電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 土井美和子:Miwako DOI


東大工学部卒(1977)、修士了(1979)、博士(工学)。NICT監事(非常勤)、NRI社外取締役。本会フェロー、情処フェロー、日本工学会フェロー、IEEE Fellow。

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) supports our everyday lives as infrastructure of life and society. On the other hand, public institutions and universities must heavily operate themselves under the government budget decreasing. IEICE must also operate itself heavily, and I will contribute to the IEICE operation by the experiences as a researcher and an auditor.

I received Master degree in 1979 and Ph. D. degree from the University of Tokyo in 2002.  I am Auditor of NICT and Outside director of NRI. I am also Fellows of IEICE, IPSJ, JFES and IEEE.
I was of a general affairs director, and a planning director and others of IEICE, presidents of ITE and HIS, and vice presidents of IEEJ and IPSJ. I am a council member of SCJ, a steering committee member of NAIST, a member of Transport Safety Board, and others.


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