電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 佐古 和恵:Kazue SAKO



 Information and Communication Technologies have made our life indeed convenient. However, our digitalized information, merged with other huge amount of data, are being processed in a way that is beyond anyone's recognition. On the other hand, our real life does not enjoy the fruits of advanced technology which has potential to realize an authentic sovereign, human centric data management. How should our future society be in the presence of foreseen risks of digitalization? This is an agenda where we all need to investigate and search for better solutions. IEICE should serve as a community respecting diversity, and I am willing to contribute to make its activities result in a healthy society and green environment for our future generations.

Dr. Kazue Sako received her BS degree in Mathematics from Kyoto University in 1986. She then joined NEC. She has been engaged in the research of cryptographic protocols, such as electronic voting, auction, anonymous authentication and blockchain schemes in pursuit of security, privacy and equity. She is a member of the Science Council of Japan.


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