電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 安藤 真:Makoto ANDO


1979年東工大院博士修了、電電公社横須賀通研。1982年東工大助手を経て現在東工大理事・副学長(研究担当)。電磁界、アンテナ、ミリ波、無線通信の研究。URSI国際電波科学連合副会長、IEEE Antenna & Propag. Society会長、学振学術システム研究センター専門研究員(電気・電子工学)を歴任。IEEEおよび本会フェロー、井上学術賞、電波功績賞、総務大臣表彰、本会業績賞、論文賞、功績賞。

Even after the earthquake in 2011, there exist strong world-wide requests for the leadership of Japan in ICT technologies. Importance and responsibility of IEICE is increasing for the innovation in ICT-intensive nation, Japan. To accomplish this role, IEICE should provide the members with informations, vehicles, chances and motivations for strengthing research and development in ICT. Collaboration with industry should be accelerated. The financial bases of IEICE are drastically changing with the trends of open access as well as increasing number of conferences. However, monthly meetings of technical committees, publication and conferences remain three important technical activities and advantages in IEICE. I would like to reinforce these for enhancing the sustainability and the presence of IEICE. Two urgent issues seem to be “open archives” and “international conferences” both with the widespread publication vehicle such as IEEE Xplore.

1983- Present Tokyo Institute of Technology where currently the Executive Vice President for
1979- Yokosuka Electrical Communication Laboratory, NTT
1979 Doctor of Engineering degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology

2016-Present Chair, ISAP International Steering Committee
2011- Present Vice-President of URSI.
2012-2014 Vice-president of IEICE
2009 President of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
2007-2009 Program Officer in Research Center for Science Systems, JSPS
 (Electrical and electronics eng.)
2007 President of Electronics Society IEICE
2004-2005, 2005-2007 Chair, Technical Committee of Electromagnetic theory and
 Antennas and Propagation of IEICE
2002-2005 Chair of Commission B of URSI
His interests have been Antennas and Propagation and EM theory, MM-Wave, Wireless communication
Fellow of IEICE and IEEE


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