電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 辻 ゆかり:Yukari TSUJI


昭和62年、筑波大学第三学群情報学類卒。平成元年、同大学院修士課程終了。平成元年、日本電信電話株式会社に入社。研究所にてATMスイッチやサービス開発に従事。平成17年MIT Sloan Fellows ProgramにてMBA取得。平成25年より西日本電信電話株式会社。現在、同社研究開発センタ所長。日本学術会議連携会員。

Under the IoT age, the network is no longer a mere means of communication, but a social information infrastructure, which supports our life in everywhere. In this situation, it seems to have changed also the positioning of R&D. In the past, a variety of technology fields has made progress in silos. In the future, in order to build a social information infrastructure, such as contributing to the solution of all social issues, in addition to the deep mining of every technical field, it will be necessary to create new values in the new interdisciplinary area of spans. In such turbulent times, the role of IEICE will increase more and more. As the person who is involved in R&D of the telecommunications sector, I would be very honored if I could contribute to the operation of IEICE as a general affairs director.

She received B.S. and M.S. degrees in information science from Tsukuba University, Japan, in 1987 and 1989, respectively. In 1989 she joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Laboratories. She was engaged in the study and development of ATM switch and various services. She received MBA degree in Sloan Fellows Program from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 2005. She joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation in 2013. Currently, she is an Executive Director of Research and Development Center in NTT West, and a member of Science Council of Japan.


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