電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 小川 恭孝:Yasutaka Ogawa


1978年北大大学院博士課程修了.工博.北大・講師,助教授,教授を経て現在,北大情報科学研究科・特任教授.移動通信,信号処理アンテナ,MIMO等の研究に従事.本学会において,会誌編集委員,英文論文小特集編集委員長,通信ソサイエティ庶務幹事,北海道支部長など.IEEE Sapporo Section副委員長,委員長.本学会論文賞,業績賞,通信ソサイエティ論文賞など受賞.電気通信普及財団賞(テレコムシステム技術賞)受賞.丹羽記念賞受賞.本学会フェロー,IEEEフェロー.

We are facing heavy competition in research fields and business activities. The IEICE should take the leading role for ensuring ethics in research and encouraging compliance. I would like to make a serious effort to achieve the activity. On the other hand, ICT, the field of the IEICE, can reduce the problems of labor force shrinking and burden of nursing care that are caused by low birth rate and longevity. I will sustain the researches of ICT to decrease these problems. Also, I would like to support non-Japanese people who studied in Japan and went back to their home countries. This can contribute to the globalization and membership development of the IEICE.

Yasutaka Ogawa received the Ph.D. degree from Hokkaido University in 1978. Since 1979, he has been with Hokkaido University, where he is currently a special-appointment professor. His professional expertise encompasses mobile communication, signal processing antennas, MIMO systems, etc. In the IEICE, he has served as a Guest Editor in Chief of Special Issue in Transactions on Communications, a Director of General Affairs of Communications Society, a Chair of the Hokkaido Section, and in the IEEE, he has served as a Chair and a vise-Chair of the Sapporo Section. He was awarded the Best Paper Award and the Achievement Award from the IEICE. Also, he received the TELECOM System Technology Award from the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation. He is an IEICE Fellow and an IEEE Fellow.


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