電子情報通信学会 ロゴ

■ 山尾 泰:Yasushi Yamao

昭54京大大学院・工・電子・修士課程了.同年電電公社横須賀電気通信研究所入所.ディジタル変復調回路・GaAs ICの研究,PDC・船舶電話各方式の研究開発に従事.平成5年NTT移動通信網(現NTTドコモ)移籍.高速無線呼出,第3世代方式用装置の開発,第4世代方式の研究を経て,平成17年電気通信大学先端ワイヤレスコミュニケーション研究センター教授.平成15-16年通信ソサイエティ副会長.工博.IEICEフェロー.

[ Statement ]
Evolution of info-communication technologies is marvelous, and it has changed our life and economy remarkably. However, continuation of world-scale depression makes the future unclear. At the same time, expectations for the academic institutes are no more like the past. Since people who can create a new world for the future are needed now and after, we should consider how the institutes can develop such talents. It is a great honor for me being nominated as a candidate of Director in Conferences, Student Activities and Education. I would like to contribute to the IEICE, by utilizing different points of view that come from my experiences in NTT, IEICE, and educational institution.

[ Biography ]
Dr. Yasushi Yamao received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electronics engineering from Kyoto University, in 1977, 1979, and 1998, respectively. In 1979, he joined NTT Yokosuka Laboratories, where his activities included leading research on GMSK modem and GaAs RF ICs for digital mobile communications. In 1993, he moved to NTT DoCoMo Inc. and directed developments of high-speed paging system (FLEX-TD) and 3G radio network system. He also joined European IST research programs for 4th generation mobile communication. In 2005, he moved to the University of Electro-Communications as a professor of the Advanced Wireless Communication Research Center (AWCC). Now he is the director of the AWCC. He is a Fellow of IEICE and member of IEEE and IPSJ. He served as Vice President of IEICE Communications Society in 2003-2004.


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