
■ 橋本  修:Osamu Hashimoto

本ソサイエティが発足して19年目になりますが、この間に世界は大きく変化し、より一層の国際化が求められる状況にあります。 このような状況の中、大学・企業のみならず本ソサイエティにも日本、アジアそして世界における主導的活動かつ継続的な発展が求められています。 そのために、ソサイエティ活動の大胆な見直しが必要と考えられますが、特に私としては以下の点について真剣に取り組んでいきたいと思います。


昭51 電通大・応用電子工卒.昭53 同大大学院修士課程了.同年(株)東芝入社.昭56 防衛庁入庁.昭61 東工大大学院博士課程了.平3 青学大助教授.平6〜7 イリノイ大客員研究員.平9 青学大教授.平成24 青学大理工学部長・研究科長.工博.電子情報通信学会(フェロー),電気学会(フェロー). マイクロ波研 幹事・副委員長・委員長,マイクロ波シミュレータ研 委員長,エレクトロニクスシミュレーション研 委員長,APMC国内委員会 委員長.エレクトロニクスソサイエティ賞,APMC 2006 Prize等.

It has been 19 years since the Electronics Society was founded. In the meanwhile, the world has changed significantly and further globalization is required. I believe that this situation demands leading action and sustainable progress from the IEICE as well as universities and companies in Japan, Asia and the world. To accomplish this, thorough review of the society activities is necessary. I especially focus on the following tasks.

・Support for Technical Groups (Incentive plans for young researchers, etc.)
・Further globalization (Asia, etc.).
・Encouragement for inter-Society activities.
・Membership increase policy (Inviting corporate young members, etc.).
・Reinforcement of the cooperation with other scientific institutes.

Osamu Hashimoto received his B.E. and M.E. in applied electronics engineering from the University of Electro-Communications in 1976 and 1978. He received his doctorate from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1986. He joined Toshiba Corporation in 1978 and the Defense Technical Development Laboratory in 1981. In 1991, he moved to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics of Aoyama Gakuin University as an associate professor. He has been a professor since 1997 and a dean of College of Science and Engineering since 2012. From 1994 to 1995, he was with the University of Illinois as a guest researcher. D.Eng. Fellow of IEICE and IEEJ.

He was a secretary, vice president and president of the Technical Group on Microwave Engineering, a president of the Technical Committee of Microwave Simulator, and a president of the Technical Committee on Electronics Simulation Technology.


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