
■ 鈴木  博:Hiroshi Suzuki

[抱負] 情報通信技術の進展とともに過去半世紀の間に世界や社会が激変し,学会のあり方,研究やその実用化(標準化)の方法も変わりつつあります.学会は従来の地域的な伝統を維持しつつも,一方で地理的な制約を乗り越え,物理的な時間と空間を超えたサイバースペースにおける新しい形態を模索しつつあります.また,少子化や厳しい財政を意識して,学会の効率化は大きな課題です.これらの課題に会員の視点から微力ながら本会の発展に貢献したいと思います.

[プロフィール] 1974年東工大修士課程修了.同年日本電信電話公社(横須賀電気通信研究所)入社.1992年NTTドコモ(株)に転籍.固定無線通信,移動通信におけるハードウェアおよび変復調方式の研究・開発に従事.1996年9月東京工業大学教授,現在に至る.移動通信における無線システム,干渉キャンセラ,MIMO等の研究に従事.本学会,無線通信システム専門委員会委員長,通信ソサイエティ幹事,東京支部委員,同支部長.本学会論文賞(4件),業績賞,フェロー.博士(工学).

Information communication technology is rapidly evolving, and the disciplines and societies in the world are greatly changing. The role of the institute, the methods of research and development also become progressive and diversified. The institute should be inherit the tradition, but also explore the cyber space that removes the physical limitations in time and space regions. There is also a strong demand to manage the institute efficiently. I would like to engage the management from the global viewpoints.

He received the B.S., M.S., and Dr. Eng. Degrees, all from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo Japan, in 1972, 1974, and 1986, respectively. He joined the Electrical Communication Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan, in 1974. He was engaged in research on devices. Since 1978, he has been engaged in digital mobile communication systems. He was an Executive Research Engineer in NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc. (NTT DoCoMo) from 1992 to 1996. Since September 1996, he has been Professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He received the Best Paper Award from the IEICE in 1995, 2007, 2009 and 2012, Best Paper Award from EuWiT in 2009, IEICE Fellow in 2006, and IEICE Achievement Award in 2009.


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