
■ 川村 龍太郎:Ryutaro Kawamura

光/モバイル通信技術,情報処理技術など,本会での議論により近年創出されたイノベーションの数々は我々の社会や生活を大きく変え,その結果電気情報通信の研究者達が長年目標として来た「位置と量の克服」は,急速に具現化されて来たと考えます.利用者は何時でも何処でも大量な情報やコミュニケーションを自在に利用する事が出来るようになりました. 私達は今,長期単位の大きな変革期に立ち,新たな目標に向かって歩み出すとてもエキサイティングな時に本会で居合わせていると思います.本会が学会として果たす役割や議論すべき領域,その方法も変化が望まれるでしょう.本会のこの大きな転換期に際し,国際標準化団体運営の経験などをもとに,微力ながら調査理事として貢献出来ればと考えております.

平成元年日本電信電話株式会社入社.現在,同社未来ねっと研究所,フォトニックトランスポートネットワーク研究部長.平成10年-11年米国コロンビア大学客員研究員.平成15年-24年 OSGi Alliance ボード兼副会長.高柳奨励賞受賞.

The ICT technology innovations of the last few decades, in particular optical / wireless technologies and information technologies, have had a huge impact on our life and society. As a result, our long dream has come true, i.e. “Location” and “Volume of data” are now transparent to users. Users can handle huge amounts of information and create value, anywhere and anytime. So we are now standing at a major cross-road looking to start the next long journey, and to be in IEICE is to be aware of this excitement. Of course, the major roles, study areas and styles of discussions should change to meet to the new challenges. As the Director responsible for International Coordination and Publicity, I’d like to make a contribution by using my experiences gained on the board of directors in an international standardization alliance to explore new visions for IEICE.

He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in precision engineering and a Ph.D. in electronics and information engineering from Hokkaido University, Japan, in 1987, 1989, and 1996, respectively. In 1989 he joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation's (NTT) Transport Systems Laboratories. From 1998-1999, he was a visiting researcher in Columbia University. From 2003 to 2012, he was on the Board of Directors and Vice President of OSGi Alliance. Currently, he is a Director and Vice President of NTT Network Innovation Laboratories.


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