
■ 笹瀬  巌:Iwao Sasase


1979年慶應義塾大学工学部電気工学科卒、1984年同大学院博士課程修了(工博)、オタワ大学ポストドクトラルフェロー、講師、慶應義塾大学助手、専任講師、助教授を経て、現在、慶應義塾大学情報工学科教授。現在、本会通信ソサイエティ会長。これまで、本会通信ソサイエティ副会長(研専運営会議議長)、同ネットワークシステム研究専門委員長、同通信方式研究専門委員長、IEEE ComSoc Board of Governors (Member at-Large)、同Japan Chapter Chair、同Asia Pacific Regional Director、同Satellite and Space Technical Committee Chairなどを歴任。電子情報通信学会フェロー、IEEE Senior Member。情報通信工学の広範囲な研究テーマに対して学生と楽しく研究に励んでおり、これまで、265編以上の学術論文、395編以上の国際会議論文などを発表。

Position Statement
I believe that the main roles of IEICE Communications Society are to fulfill various needs for members in both industry and academia by providing access to high-quality technical information, opportunity to discuss state-of-the-art communication technologies from various aspects as well as establishing and keeping human networks of professionals thought the world. For the continuing growth and globalization of ICT world, I would like to provide more opportunities for active participation, and devise new value incentives, especially for students and industrial members. Especially, I feel that we have to strengthen the “practical” contents more in our conferences, journals, and magazines to be more attractive and useful to members in industry. Another objective is to improve cooperation with sister societies around the world to have more opportunities for disseminating novel ideas from various communications research communities.

Iwao Sasase received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, in 1979, 1981 and 1984, respectively. He is now a Professor of the Department of Information and Computer Science at Keio University, Yokohama, Japan. His research interests include broadband mobile and wireless communications and photonic networks. He has co-authored more than 265 journal papers and 395 international conference papers. He has been very active in IEICE Communications Society as well as IEEE ComSoc. He serves now as the President of the IEICE Communications Society. He served as Vice President of the IEICE Communications Society during 2004-2006, Chair of the ICICE Network System Technical Group during 2004-2006, and Chair of IEICE Communication System Technical Group during 2002-2004. He also served as the IEEE ComSoc Board of Governors Member-at-Large during 2010-2012, IEEE ComSoc Japan Chapter Chair during 2011-2012, IEEE ComSoc Asia Pacific Regional Director during 2004-2005, Chair of IEEE ComSoc Satellite and Space Communications Technical Committee during 2000-2002. He is a Fellow of IEICE and a Senior Member of the IEEE.


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