電子情報通信学会 IECE

■ 浅井 孝浩:Takahiro ASAI




1995年 京都大学工学部 電子工学科卒、1997年 京都大学大学院 工学研究科 電子通信工学専攻 博士前期課程修了、2008年 京都大学大学院 情報学研究科 通信情報システム専攻博士後期課程修了。博士(情報学)。1997年 NTT移動通信網株式会社(現NTTドコモ)に入社。以来、移動通信システムにおける実用化研究開発に従事。現在、NTTドコモ R&Dイノベーション本部 クロステック開発部 部長。本会会誌編集委員、英文論文誌編集委員を歴任


Among the current situation of the various activities of DX being made towards realizing a better society, I feel that our lives have significantly changed due to the power of information and communication technology, reflecting on the 30 years since I joined the IEICE. For instance, if the Covid-19 situation had happened 30 years ago, dealing with it using remote work and remote class would have been impossible. Today, information and communication technology is being utilized in various fields, and I believe it will continue to play a major role in addressing societal issues and realizing well-being society. Under these circumstances, I hope I can contribute to the various activities of IEICE.


Takahiro Asai joined NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc. (currently, NTT DOCOMO, INC.) in 1997. He is now General Manager of X-Tech Development Department in NTT DOCOMO, INC. He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical and electronics engineering, and Ph.D. degree in communications and computer engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1995, 1997, and 2008, respectively. Since joining NTT Mobile Communications Network, Inc., he has been engaged in the research activities for mobile radio communication. He served as the editor of the journal of IEICE in 2009-2011 and of the IEICE Transactions on Communications in 2011-2015, respectively.

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