電子情報通信学会 IEICE

■ 水落 隆司:Takashi MIZUOCHI




1988年阪大基礎工修了。同年三菱電機入社。情報技術総合研究所光電波・通信技術部門統轄、東京大学産学連携本部、Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab. Inc.取締役、先端技術総合研究所長、開発本部役員技監を経て、現在同社執行役員 ビジネスイノベーション本部 副本部長。本学会フェロー、2013年度光通信システム研究会委員長。IEEE、OSA、レーザー学会会員。経産省産業構造審議会研究開発・イノベーション小委員会委員、COCN実行委員。博士(工学)。


The senses of value are undergoing major changes, such as new capitalism, carbon neutral, and the Metaverse, etc. The role of the IEICE, which has been a leader in the ICT field for 105 years, is becoming more important. A sustainable innovation ecosystem will be formed by showing the direction of science and technology that we should take the lead in, not only engineering and design, but also science and art. As the Director of the Planning Strategy Office, I would like to contribute to realize the bright future of the society through discussions with members, various collaborations with other societies and the ministry, and the IEICE Transformation Project started in 2021.


Takashi Mizuochi received the M. Eng. and PhD. degrees from Osaka Univ. He joined Mitsubishi Electric Corp. in 1988, where he served as Senior General Manager of Advanced Technology R&D Center. He is currently Corporate Executive, Deputy Vice President of Business Innovation Group. He is a fellow of IEICE, members of IEEE, OSA, and the Laser Society of Japan.

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