An Interdisciplinary Workshop


Kyoto, Japan

June 27, 2003



Organized by The Institute for Electronics, Information  and Communication Engineers (IEICE) and The Acoustical

Society of Japan.

Co-sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society Japan Chapter




The workshop will be held at the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (ATR) as part of the June monthly

meeting of the IEICE.

ATR Web Site   http://www.atr.co.jp/html/access/access.html


Advanced Program


9:30   Introduction

         Takayuki Arai

9:40   Computation of Time-Varying Spectra Based on 3-D Vocal Tract

         Shape Using Auto-mesh Generation and FEM

Koji Sasaki (Hokkaido University),

Nobuhiro Miki (Future University-Hakodate) and

Yoshikazu Miyanaga (Hokkaido University)

10:05 Speech Inversion for Arbitrary Speaker Using a Stochastic

         Speech Production Model

         Sadao Hiroya and Masaaki Honda (NTT / CREST)


10:30 Break


10:45 [Invited] Auditory Supplements to Speech reading

         Ken W. Grant (Walter Reed Army Medical Center)

11:35 Filtering on Non-Linear Time Axis and its Application for Measuring

         Perception to Production Transfer Functions in F0 Control

         Hideki Kawahara and Ryuichiro Yanaga (Wakayama University / ATR)


12:00 Lunch


13:30 [Invited] What are the Essential Cues for Understanding

         Spoken Language?

         Steven Greenberg (University of California, Berkeley)

14:20 Acoustic Analysis of English Lexical-Prosody Reproduction

         by Japanese Speakers

         Anthony O. Okobi (MIT / University of Tokyo), and

         Keikichi Hirose (University of Tokyo)

14:45 Voice Quality and Other Acoustic Changes in Really Sadness

         Donna Erickson (Gifu City Women's College),

         Parham Mokhtari (ATR),

         Caroline Menezes (Ohio State University) and

         Akinori Fujino (NTT)


15:10 Break


15:25 [Invited] Modulation Spectral Transforms

         Les Atlas (University of Washington)

16:15 Speech Segregation based on Fundamental Periodicity using

         Auditory Vocoder

         Toshio Irino (Wakayama University),

         Roy D. Patterson (Cambridge University) and

         Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama University / ATR)

16:40 Improving Intelligibility of Speech by Steady-State Suppression

         as Pre-Processing in Small to Medium Sized Halls

         Nao Hodoshima, Takayuki Arai, Tsuyoshi Inoue (Sophia University),

         Keisuke Kinoshita (NTT) and

         Akiko Kusumoto (Portland VA Medical Center)

17:05 Continuous Speech Recognition Based on the Contribution of

         Modulation Spectrum

         Noboru Kanedera (Ishikawa National College of Technology),

         Takayuki Arai, Kenji Okada and Kenji Asai (Sophia University)


17:30 Conclusion



IEICE Workshop Secretariat

Professor Takayuki Arai

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Sophia University


Workshop Web Site: http://www.ieice.or.jp/iss/sp/eng/workshop/20030627.html