Special Issue on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering

Original Document(PDF)
Call for Papers (in Japanese)

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Transactions on Information and Systems announces a forthcoming special issue on "Knowledge-Based Software Engineering" to be published in April 2002. The objective of this Special Issue is to publish and overview recent progress in the interdisciplinary area of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. This issue will include papers based on the presentation at Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering 2000 and papers applied for this call for papers. All submitted papers shall be subjected to the same review process as those papers accepted for publication in regular issues.
  1. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
    Architecture of knowledge/software/information systems, Software agents, Domain modeling, Requirements engineering, Formal and semiformal specifications, Intelligent user interfaces and human machine interaction, Knowledge acquisition and discovery, Data mining, Automating software design and synthesis, Program understanding, Programming knowledge, Object-oriented and other programming paradigms, Meta programming, Reuse, Re-engineering, Reverse engineering, Knowledge-based methods and tools for software engineering, Decision support methods for software engineering, Applied semiotics for knowledge-based software engineering, Learning of programming, Modeling programs and programmers, Knowledge systems methodology, Development tools and environments Software engineering and knowledge engineering education
  2. Guideline for paper submission:
    1. Please write clearly in red ink "Special Issue on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering" and the E-mail address of representative author on the cover page of a manuscript.
    2. Authors should send four copies of the manuscript by June 22, 2000 to the following address:
      System Services Department
      Business Communications Headquarters
      Iidabashi First-Build. 5th floor
      5-1 kouraku 2-Chome Bunkyouku, Tokyo 112-0004 Japan
      e-mail:miyake.takeshi (at) ss.bch.east.ntt.co.jp
    3. In preparing the manuscript, authors should be subjected to the Information for Authors on IEICE Transactions which describes the standard format of papers. Information for Authors are available through anonymous ftp service (ftp.ieice.or.jp) and WWW service ( http://www.ieice.or.jp/ or ftp://ftp.ieice.or.jp/pub/info-authors/eibunsi/info.txt ).
    4. It is recommended that the paper does not exceed 8 printed pages. If it exceeds this limit, extra fee will be charged.
    5. Please note that if accepted, all authors, including authors of invited papers, should pay for the page charges covering partial cost of publication. Authors will receive 100 copies of the reprint.
    6. Please be advised that in the case that a large number of papers are accepted for publications, a portion of these papers may be published in another issue of the journal.
  3. Editorial Board:
    Guest Chief Editor: Shuichiro Yamamoto (NTT)
    Guest Associate Chief Editor: Kenji Kaijiri (Shinshu University)   
    Guest Editorial Manager: Takeshi Miyake (NTT)
    Members:  Haruki Ueno (National Center for Science Information Systems)
    	  Morio Nagata (Keio University)
    	  Seiichi Komiya (Hitachi Ltd)
    Masa-aki Hashimoto ( Kyushu Institute of Technology)
    	  Toshio Okamoto (University of Electro-Communications)
    	  Teruo Koyama (National Center for Science Information Systems)
    	  Kenji Sugawara (Chiba Institute of Technology)
               Yoshiaki Fukazawa (Waseda University)
    	  Takahira Yamaguti (Shizuoka University)
    	  Shigeo Kaneda ( Doshisha University)
    	  Hiroyuki Yamada (Ehime University)
    	  Hirotaka Hara (Fujitsu)
    	  Syunsuke Yura (NTT)
    	  Atsuo Hazeyama (NEC)
    	  Masahiro Hori (IBM Japan)
    	  Fumihiro Kumeno (Mitsubishi Research Institute)
    	  Behrouz H. Far (Saitama University)
    	  Koji Iwanuma (Ymanashi University)
    	  Tomas Hruska (Brno University of Technology)
    Inquiry on this matter: Takeshi Miyake (NTT) E-mail: miyake.takeshi (at) lab.ntt.co.jp