
No 256776
標題(和) Introducing the Perception-Distortion Tradeoff into the Rate-Distortion Theory of General Information Sources
標題(英) Introducing the Perception-Distortion Tradeoff into the Rate-Distortion Theory of General Information Sources
研究会名(和) 通信方式, 画像工学, オーディオビジュアル複合情報処理, 放送技術
研究会名(英) Communication Systems, Image Engineering, Audio Visual and Multimedia Information Processing, Broadcasting Technology
開催年月日 2018-11-29
終了年月日 2018-11-30
会議種別コード 5
資料番号 CS2018-79, IE2018-58
抄録(和) Blau and Michaeli recently introduced a novel concept\r\n for inverse problems of signal processing, that is,\r\n the perception-distortion tradeoff.\r\n We introduce their tradeoff into the rate distortion theory\r\n of lossy source coding in information theory,\r\n and clarify the tradeoff among information rate, distortion\r\n and perception for general information sources.o
抄録(英) Blau and Michaeli recently introduced a novel concept\r\n for inverse problems of signal processing, that is,\r\n the perception-distortion tradeoff.\r\n We introduce their tradeoff into the rate distortion theory\r\n of lossy source coding in information theory,\r\n and clarify the tradeoff among information rate, distortion\r\n and perception for general information sources.
収録資料名(和) 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告
収録資料の巻号 Vol.118, No.328,329
ページ開始 65
ページ終了 67
キーワード(和) perception-distortion tradeoff,rate-distortion theory,data compression
キーワード(英) perception-distortion tradeoff,rate-distortion theory,data compression
本文の言語 ENG
著者(和) 松本隆太郎
著者(ヨミ) マツモト リュウタロウ
著者(英) Ryutaroh Matsumoto
所属機関(和) 名古屋大学
所属機関(英) Nagoya University

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