
No 241626
標題(和) On a Hybrid Packets-and-Circuits Switching Logic
標題(英) On a Hybrid Packets-and-Circuits Switching Logic
研究会名(和) 通信方式, コミュニケーションクオリティ, ネットワーク仮想化
研究会名(英) CommunicationSystems, CommunicationQuality, NetworkVirtualization
開催年月日 2016-04-21
終了年月日 2016-04-22
会議種別コード 5
資料番号 CS2016-8
抄録(和) The packets versus circuits argument is several decades old. Back in the day, what we today refer to as all-IP networking was justified for its efficiency over the circuit-based telephone networks. The analysis was performed on ON-OFF sources for voice (phone calls) and packets came out to be almost twice as efficient. Modern traffic follows the hotspot distribution, where the hotspots -- also known as elephant flows, bulk transfer, etc. -- have higher value than other flows and therefore require higher efficiency. The highest possible efficiency for bulk transfer can be achieved using circuit switching, implemented on IP networks via the cut-through switching mode. This paper proposes a new switching logic which assumes that NOC has both packet and circuit lines and strives to optimize the newly defined efficiency accordingly.
抄録(英) The packets versus circuits argument is several decades old. Back in the day, what we today refer to as all-IP networking was justified for its efficiency over the circuit-based telephone networks. The analysis was performed on ON-OFF sources for voice (phone calls) and packets came out to be almost twice as efficient. Modern traffic follows the hotspot distribution, where the hotspots -- also known as elephant flows, bulk transfer, etc. -- have higher value than other flows and therefore require higher efficiency. The highest possible efficiency for bulk transfer can be achieved using circuit switching, implemented on IP networks via the cut-through switching mode. This paper proposes a new switching logic which assumes that NOC has both packet and circuit lines and strives to optimize the newly defined efficiency accordingly.
収録資料名(和) 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告
収録資料の巻号 Vol.116, No.9
ページ開始 43
ページ終了 46
キーワード(和) packets vs circuits,cut-through,circuit emulation,bulk transfer,hotspot traffic,network virtualization
キーワード(英) packets vs circuits,cut-through,circuit emulation,bulk transfer,hotspot traffic,network virtualization
本文の言語 ENG
著者(和) ザニケエフ マラット
著者(ヨミ) ザニケエフ マラット
著者(英) Marat Zhanikeev
所属機関(和) 東京理科大学
所属機関(英) Tokyo University of Science

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