
No 214143
標題(和) スペクトルサプレッション法の雑音スペクトル推定におけるVADのパラメータ最適化
標題(英) Parameter Optimization in VAD Used in Noise Specral Estimation for Spectral Suppression Method
研究会名(和) 回路とシステム, 通信方式, 信号処理
研究会名(英) Circuits and Systems, Communication Systems, Signal Processing
開催年月日 2012-03-08
終了年月日 2012-03-09
会議種別コード 5
資料番号 CAS2011-125, SIP2011-145, CS2011-117
抄録(和) In spectral suppression noise canceller, spectral gain is multiplied to the noisy speech spectrum to reduce noise. To calculate spectral gain, noise spectrum estimation is necessary. By using Voice Activiy Detector (VAD), noise spectrum is estimated by discriminating the input noisy speech into speech/quasi-speech/non-speech frames. The threshold of noisy speech discrimination is not adaptive to input noise type in the conventional method.\r\nIn this paper, threshold optimization method is proposed. Based on noise characteristics, optimal parameters for colorless noise and colored noise are proposed. Also, automatic detection of colorless noise and colored noise algorithm is proposed. Simulations are carried out in 5 different noise-changed conditions by using 3 sets of input speech signals.
抄録(英) In spectral suppression noise canceller, spectral gain is multiplied to the noisy speech spectrum to reduce noise. To calculate spectral gain, noise spectrum estimation is necessary. By using Voice Activiy Detector (VAD), noise spectrum is estimated by discriminating the input noisy speech into speech/quasi-speech/non-speech frames. The threshold of noisy speech discrimination is not adaptive to input noise type in the conventional method.\r\nIn this paper, threshold optimization method is proposed. Based on noise characteristics, optimal parameters for colorless noise and colored noise are proposed. Also, automatic detection of colorless noise and colored noise algorithm is proposed. Simulations are carried out in 5 different noise-changed conditions by using 3 sets of input speech signals.
収録資料名(和) 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告
収録資料の巻号 Vol.111, No.465,466,467
ページ開始 103
ページ終了 108
キーワード(和) VAD,ノイズキャンセラ,有色雑音,白色雑音,閾値制御法
キーワード(英) VAD,Noise Canceller,Noise Discrimination,Colorless Noise,Colored Noise
本文の言語 ENG
著者(和) 雷果
著者(ヨミ) ライ カ
著者(英) Guo Lei
所属機関(和) 金沢大学
所属機関(英) Kanazawa University
著者(和) 中山謙二
著者(ヨミ) ナカヤマ ケンジ
著者(英) Kenji Nakayama
所属機関(和) 金沢大学
所属機関(英) Kanazawa University
著者(和) 平野晃宏
著者(ヨミ) ヒラノ アキヒロ
著者(英) Akihiro Hirano
所属機関(和) 金沢大学
所属機関(英) Kanazawa University

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