
No 193814
標題(和) Multiband RF Fingerprint Based Location System
標題(英) Multiband RF Fingerprint Based Location System
研究会名(和) 回路とシステム, 通信方式, 信号処理
研究会名(英) Circuits and Systems, Communication Systems, Signal Processing
開催年月日 2009-03-02
終了年月日 2009-03-03
会議種別コード 5
資料番号 CAS2008-110, SIP2008-173, CS2008-84
抄録(和) In this paper, we proposed multiband RF fingerprint based location system employing the frequency diversity of received signal strength (RSS). The enhancements of estimated accuracy contribute to the frequency diversity. This paper shows the experimental results under the area of 103 m2, we achieved the accuracy improvement over 40 percent, comparing with the singleband RF fingerprint.
抄録(英) In this paper, we proposed multiband RF fingerprint based location system employing the frequency diversity of received signal strength (RSS). The enhancements of estimated accuracy contribute to the frequency diversity. This paper shows the experimental results under the area of 103 m2, we achieved the accuracy improvement over 40 percent, comparing with the singleband RF fingerprint.
収録資料名(和) 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告
収録資料の巻号 Vol.108, No.453,454,455
ページ開始 55
ページ終了 60
キーワード(和) Multiband RF Fingerprint,Additive Multiband Receive Signal Strength,Cognitive Radio,Indoor Positioning
キーワード(英) Multiband RF Fingerprint,Additive Multiband Receive Signal Strength,Cognitive Radio,Indoor Positioning
本文の言語 ENG
著者(和) Chinnapat Sertthin
著者(英) Chinnapat Sertthin
所属機関(和) Keio University
所属機関(英) Keio University
著者(和) Takeo Fujii
著者(英) Takeo Fujii
所属機関(和) University of Electro-Communications
所属機関(英) University of Electro-Communications
著者(和) Masao Nakagawa
著者(英) Masao Nakagawa
所属機関(和) Keio University
所属機関(英) Keio University

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