Presentation registration of the Third IEICE ITS Technical Meeting in 2018 (December 2018 @ Miyako Island) is open.

Presentation registration of the Third IEICE ITS Technical Meeting in 2018 is open.

[Conference date and venue]
Conference date: December 6th (Thursday) and 7th (Friday), 2018
Conference venue:Seminar Room of Terminal Building (Marine terminal building), Hirara Port, Miyako Island

※This meeting is jointly organized with Technical Committee on Reliable Communication and Control (RCC) and Technical Committee on Wideband System (WBS).

[Deadline for presentation registration]
October 10th, 2018 (Wednesday)

As for the detailed information about the registration, please check the following link:

This meeting includes both oral session and poster session. If you would like present your research in the oral session, please choose “regular session” in the registration. If you plan to make a presentation in the poster session, please choose “poster session” in the step of the registration.

We will have a “Young researcher award” for the poster session.

The details about awards are as follows:
Details about the awards

The awards in the past meetings can be found in the following link:
Awards in the past meetings