@Hiroshi Imai

The world has been changing steadily with respect to population, i.e., declining birthrate and population aging, especially in eastern Asia, and globally a population explosion, which affects IEICE members in various ways, especially with respect to its financial issues. As a global academic society, IEICE should cope with these issues as required, which may cause restructuring some of its parts or need more investment to new missions in order to promote the field of Electronics, Information and Communication, or ICT for short. Maintaining the financial sustainability of IEICE against these new challenges is imperative where ICT itself should be fully utilized for the evolution of IEICE. If elected, I will endeavor to do my best in establishing such a sustainable way with challenging new important tasks.

Previous appointments in IEICE: Director of Journal and Transactions, Secretary of Planning Committee, Editor-in-Chief of IEICE Transaction of Fundamentals (both English/Japanese ones), IEICE ESS Fundamentals Review, ISS General Secretary.
Biography: B. Eng. and D. Eng. from the University of Tokyo, 1981 and 1986, respectively. Associate Professor at Kyushu University from 1986, moved to the University of Tokyo in 1990, and now a professor in computer science there. JST ERATO Quantum Computation and Information Project Leader during 2000-2011.


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