The IEICE Transactions The Information for Authors

The IEICE has four Societies, each of which publishes their own English Transactions monthly.
Each society has its own Editorial Committee to oversee its English Transactions.

The information described herein is subject to change without prior notification. [Last Revised on 1 July, 2005]

All submitted manuscripts must contain original work i.e. there must be no other manuscript(s) of similar content, written by any or all of the authors, that have appeared in or have been submitted to other academic or commercial journals. Academic journals refer to journals published by domestic or foreign institutions, in which submitted manuscripts are published after peer review. In certain cases, results, which have previously appeared in other publications, may be submitted as an original submission provided that the copyright of the manuscript is held either by the author(s) or by the IEICE. Examples of these cases include books, newspapers, and bulletins published by public agencies, schools, and companies; proceedings of international conferences, abstracts of meetings and research gatherings of the IEICE and other academic societies; bulletins published by universities; lecture notes; public domain patents/patent abstracts; and other publications of a similar nature.

If a manuscript is suspected of duplicate submissions to other journals, the IEICE Editorial Committee has the right to make investigation of the situation in exchanging information with the other Institute which the manuscript has been submitted to. The IEICE Editorial Committee will apply sanctions against authors who are discovered to have made duplicate submissions to other journals.

The authors may withdraw the manuscript submitted to an IEICE journal if a review is not returned within 6 months from the date of submission.

1. Process for Initial Submission of a Manuscript

At least one of the authors must be an IEICE member when the manuscript is submitted for review. Invited papers are an exception. We recommend that authors unaffiliated with IEICE apply for membership.@ For detailed information on the IEICE Membership Application, refer to here.

1.1Process for initial submission

Each submitted manuscript is categorized as either "PAPER" or "LETTER". When submitting a manuscript to a Regular Issue, authors should register their submission using the 'Manuscript Registration Form' provided on our web page. Manuscript Registration Form for Initial Submission

Note that this online registration system is not available for all Special Issue(Special Section) !! Please refer to the Call for Papers on each Special Issue (Special Section) .

Temporary Registration (by the authors)

1. Register the initial information in the Registration Form below.

2. After the registration is completed, print out the "Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement" and the "Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration".

3. Choose either "UPLOAD from Web" or "Mailing".


In case of "UPLOAD from Web"

Upload a PDF file in accordance with the instructions.


Send "Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement" (one copy) and "Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration " (two copies) by mail.
In case of "Mailing"
Attach "Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement" (one copy),"Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration " (three copies) to your manuscripts (PAPER:five copies, LETTER:four copies).

4. After the temporary registration is completed, "Notification of Completion for temporary registration" will be sent to you by e-mail.

ATTENTION: Please do not forget to send "Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement" and "Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration". We cannot start the review process without them, even if we receive the manuscript.

Registration (by IEICE)

After we receive "Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement", "Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration ", and Manuscript, "Receipt of Manuscript" will be sent to you by e-mail. Please use your Reference Number specified in "Receipt of Manuscript", if you want to know the review status of your manuscript or when asking questions. The day on which we receive your manuscript with "Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement" and "Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration" is "Manuscript Received" day.

IN CASE you cannot submit a manuscript at our web site, all the following required items should be mailed to the IEICE Publishing Office.

1. Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration
3 copies of the Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration, which includes the information specified in Section 1.2, should be provided. An electronic version of the Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration is available from here
        MS-Word version     HTML version

2. A completed Copyright Transfer and Page Charge Agreement
A copy of the form appears in Appendix A, and the source data of TeX is available from Please review the agreement and be sure to put your sign it to indicate your acceptance.

3. Manuscript including figures and tables
(5 copies for paper submissions, 4 copies for letter submissions) See Section 2.2 for manuscript style specifications. The text should be printed on paper. An electronic version and an original copy with original tables and/or figures (including photographs) should NOT accompany the initial submission.

4. Electronic data of the bibliographic information
Complete bibliographic data of the manuscript must be submitted. These include the name of the Transactions to which the manuscript is being submitted, title of the manuscript, authors' names and affiliation(s), the code number of the Editorial Subject Index and Research Fields, and the Summary and Keywords related to the submission. The submission should be via E-mail or physical mail using a floppy/MO/CD disk. The mailing address is the IEICE Publishing Office.

The IEICE Publishing Office:
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., Annex 3F, 5-22, Shibakoen 3 chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0011 JAPAN,
Tel:+81-3-3433-6692  Fax:+81-3-3433-6616
   Trans.on Fundamentals:
   Trans.on Communications:
   Trans.on Electronics:
   Trans.on Information and Systems:
If the manuscript is being submitted to a Special Issue (Special Section), all the required items should be sent to the address specified in the Call for Papers. For detailed information on each Special Issue (Special Section), refer to the Call for Papers.

1.2 Initial information

The following information must be provided on a Confirmation Sheet of Manuscript Registration.

1 .
Title of the manuscript
2 .
Personal Information on each author
1. Title (Prof., Dr., Mr., Ms., etc,), Name, Membership Status, Membership Number, E-mail address
2. If the author is a student, then the laboratory name should also be included.
3 .
Detailed Information on the author for correspondence Affiliation, department, address, Tel/Fax number and E-mail address of the author to be contacted.
4 .
Categorization of the manuscript type
5 .
Type of issue (Regular Issue / Special Issue (Special Section))
6 .
Category of Transactions (A: Fundamentals / B: Communications / C: Electronics / D: Information and Systems)
7 .
Manuscript Type (PAPER / LETTER)
8 .
The Registration Number of any previously submitted versions of the same manuscript if any.
9 .
Topic of Research Field (Editorial Subject Index) chosen from the list in Appendix D.
Running header (5-6 words).

*"Running-Header" refers to an abbreviated title that appears on every odd-numbered page of a manuscript that is published in our transactions. If the actual title exceeds 6 words, an abbreviation of the original title is used. The authors may specify the abbreviated title. If no specification is given, then the editorial board will abbreviate the title using its own internal guidelines.

2. Manuscript Style Specifications

2.1 Length of manuscript

The standard number of pages is 8 for a PAPER and 2 for a LETTER. One page has approximately 900 words. The page charges are considerably higher for extra pages as shown in Appendix B. Authors are not allowed to divide a longer manuscript into several shorter manuscripts to reduce the page charges.

2.2 Manuscript style

A manuscript must contain the following elements in the order as specified below. If there are no figures, photographs or tables, (11) and (12) can be omitted.

1 .
2 .
Name and membership status (member/non-member) of each author
3 .
Affiliation and correspondence address
4 .
Summary (about 300 words for a PAPER, 50 words for a LETTER)
5 .
Keywords (4-5 keywords)
6 .
Body of the manuscript
7 .
Acknowledgments, if any
8 .
Reference list
9 .
Appendix, if any
Author biography (not necessary for a LETTER)
Photograph(s) for author biographies should be sent with final manuscript submission.
Captions for all figures, photographs, and tables
Copies of all figures, photographs, or tables not included in the body of the manuscript. Original figures, photographs, or tables should be sent with final manuscript submission.

2.3 IEICE Style file for manuscripts

Authors are strongly urged to use " IEICE Style FileiLaTeX2ƒÃj" provided free of charge by the IEICE for preparation of their manuscript. The prepared manuscript will then be nearly the same as the final published version, which facilitates both preparation and editing. IEICE Style File is available on our website at
Authors may choose to submit manuscripts using their own style file. In this case, however, publication may be delayed and an extra cost will be incurred.
We also offer an MS-Word Template for preparation of a manuscript. Please refer to the Instructions and Directions before using this template.
Note that this MS-Word Template is NOT our Official Style File for the IEICE Transactions, so that, in the case that authors make use of this template, the page charges will be as given in Part 2 of Appendix B. Any questions regarding page charges and other issues related to publication should be directed to the IEICE Publishing Office.

2.4 When using an IEICE style file

LaTeX style file

1. The following electronic media in IBM PC disk format or Windows standard format are available for electronically storing a manuscript. Please note that the electronic version of the entire manuscript should be submitted using FD, MO, or CD-R after the manuscript has been accepted.

Floppy disk (formatted with IBM-PC disk format): 3.5" (1.44 MB, 720 KB)
MO disk (formatted with DOS format): 3.5" (128 MB, 230 MB)
CD-R/CD-RW (specify the format type)

2. The items, which can be included in the LaTeX generated part of the manuscript, are text, equations and tables. Equations and tables must be included directly in the text and should be a part of the LaTeX source file.

3. Figures and photos should be saved in EPS format and attached to the LaTeX source file. When figures are produced using LaTeX functions (under the Picture environment: PicTeX and Epic, etc.), attachment of the EPS file is not necessary. In this case, the figures should be included in the LaTeX source file.

4. In cases that the figures, photographs, and tables are submitted separately (i.e. not a part of the text), their position in the manuscript must be indicated in the margin of the text or at the location where they are to be placed.

5. For our editorial procedure, captions of all figures, photographs, and tables are requested to be submitted aside from the LaTeX generated part of the manuscript.

2.5 When not using an IEICE style file

When you do not use the LaTeX style file, the submitted manuscript should conform to the following rules.

2.5.1 When using Windows

The manuscript data, produced originally with word-processing software under Windows environment should be saved as a text-file format(*.txt) or the word-processor-specific format. All data should be saved with a file name and extension code (with suffix).
Each page of the hard copy of a manuscript should be numbered. An electronic version of the manuscript should be submitted after the manuscript has been accepted. Refer to the following instructions for disk preparation.

1. The following electronic media in IBM PC disk format or Windows standard format are available for electronically storing a manuscript.

Floppy disk (formatted with IBM-PC disk format): 3.5" (1.44 MB, 720 KB)
MO disk (formatted with DOS format): 3.5" (128 MB, 230 MB)
CD-R/CD-RW (specify the format type)

2. Photos (bit-map format data, such as screen captures) should be saved in either BMP or TIFF format.
3. Figures (vector-format data, which have line drawings and font information) should be saved in either WMF or EPS format.
4. To ensure accurate reproduction of figures and photos, they should also be attached as hard copies at the end of the manuscript, printed to the same scale as of the publications.
5. All the figures and photo data should be saved on disk in a single folder separate from the manuscript file.
6. Regarding tables, layout information such as ruled lines should be removed, and only the contents of the tables should be saved in a text-file format with similar layout and presentation as the original table, following the table captions.
7. Locations where figures, photos and tables are to be inserted should be indicated not in the text file, but in the margins of the hard copy.
8. All figures, photos, and table captions should be provided at the end of the manuscript.

2.5.2 When using a Macintosh

Manuscripts generated using Macintosh software should be saved in "simple text format". The hard copy should be double-spaced with every page numbered. An electronic version of the manuscript should be submitted after the manuscript has been accepted.

1. The electronic media listed below in the Macintosh standard format are available for electronically storing a manuscript.

Floppy disk: 3.5" (1.44 MB, 720 KB)
MO disk: 3.5" (128 MB, 230 MB)
CD-R/CD-RW (specify the format type)
2. Equations can be generated using either of the following procedures.
(a) Use PageMaker's "Epsilon", then save in PICT format.
(b) Use the software "Expressionist", then save in EPS format.
In cases in which a format other than the ones given in (a) and (b) is used, the page charges will be according to Part 2 of Appendix B

3. Figures and photographic images must be in EPS or TIFF format. Otherwise, they may be included after the PageMaker generated part of the manuscript, and must be the same scale as of the publication. They will be reduced as necessary.

4. Tables should be submitted in one of the following formats.

(a) EPS format generated on a Macintosh.
(b) The divider lines forming the framework of the table should be omitted, and the remaining contents of the table should appear exactly as in the text.
(c) Hard copies of the tables to be submitted separatelymust be the same scale as of the publication.
5. In cases in which the figures, photographs, and tables are submitted separately (not a part of the text), their position in the manuscript must be indicated in the margin of the text or at the location where they are to be placed.

6. For our editorial procedure, captions of all figures, photographs, and tables are requested to be submitted separately from the PageMaker-generated part of the manuscript.

2.5.3 When using a UNIX

The manuscript data, produced with a text editor, under the UNIX environment should be saved as a text-file. Each page of the hard copy of the entire manuscript should be numbered. An electronic version of the manuscript should be submitted after the manuscript has been accepted. Refer to the following instructions for disk preparation.

1. The following electronic media in IBM PC disk format or Windows standard format are available for electronically storing a manuscript. The date should be saved using the EUC character code.

Floppy disk (formatted with IBM-PC disk format): 3.5" (1.44 MB, 720 KB)
MO disk (formatted with DOS format): 3.5" (128 MB, 230 MB)
CD-R/CD-RW (specify the format type)
2. Photos (bit-map format data such as screen captures) should be saved in either BMP or EPS format.
3. Figures (vector-format data, which have line drawings and font information) should be saved in EPS format.
4. To ensure accurate reproduction of figures and photos, they should also be attached as hard copies at the end of the manuscript, printed to the same scale as of the publications.
5. All the figures and photo data should be saved on disk in a single directory separate from the manuscript file.
6. Regarding tables, layout information such as ruled lines should be removed, and only the contents of the tables should be saved in a text-file format in layout and presentation that is similar to the original table, following the table captions.
7. Locations where figures, photos and tables are to be inserted should be indicated in the margins of the hard copy, not in the text file.
8. All figures, photos, and table captions should be presented at the end of the manuscript.

2.5.4 Typewritten manuscripts

When there is no option but to submit a typewritten hardcopy of the manuscript, the text should be typewritten with double spacing on A4 (210mm x 297mm) or similar-sized paper. In this case, the page charges will be as indicated in the Part 3 of Appendix B. The positions where figures, photographs and tables are to be inserted in the text must be indicated in the margin of the text. Captions for figures, photographs, and tables must be included at the end of the manuscript.

2.6 Style for figures, photographs and tables

All figures, photographs, and tables must be original works of the author(s).
2. All figures, photographs and tables must have captions.
3. Figures and tables must be neat.
4. Photographs must be black and white glossy, so that details may be seen. Color publication is available at extra cost.
5. Electronically produced photos should be saved on appropriate media for the relevant computer environment. Please note that extremely thin lines and half-tone dot meshing will not appear in the final publication.
6. Figures, photographs, and tables should have a width of 8cm if they are to occupy one column and a width of 16cm if they are to occupy 2 columns. In the case of submission of these items in hard copy, they must be the same scale as of the publication.
7. Printed characters in figures and tables must appear in the final copy at 7-point size(minimum), and therefore must be of 14 or 15-point size when submitted in hard copy.
8. Copies of all figures, photographs and tables not included in the body of the manuscript must be included at the end of the manuscript.

2.7 References

2.7.1 Style for references

References should appear in the format given below. In the case that cited references are written by coauthors, family names and given name initials for each must be given. Titles of journal papers must be all lowercase except for the first letters of the first word. Exceptions are also made for abbreviations and proprietary name. The journal names should be abbreviated as shown in Appendix C: Abbreviated Journal Names.

Journal papers
[1] W. Rice, A. C. Wine, and B. D. Grain, "Diffusion of impurities during epitaxy", Proc. IEEE, vol.52, no.3, pp.284-290, March 1964.

Books or edited collections
[2] M. G. F. Fuortes, ed., Handbook of Sensory Physiology, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1972.

One section of a book
[3] H. K. Hartline, A. B. Smith, and F. Ratlliff, "Inhibitory interaction in the retina", in Handbook of Sensory Physiology, ed. M. G. F. Fuortes, pp.381-390, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1972.

[4] Y. Yamamoto, S. Machida, and K. Igeta, "Micro-cavity semiconductors with enhanced spontaneous emission", Proc. 16th European Conf. on Opt. Commun., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, no.MoF4.6, pp.3-13, Sept. 1990.

2.7.2 Citation of references

References should be cited by number in brackets, e.g. [12]. Superscript format should not be used.

3. Process for Final Manuscript Submission

3.1 Final manuscript submission

After receipt of the notice of acceptance, the following items must be submitted along with the final version of the manuscript.
In the case that the manuscript is submitted to a Regular Issue, all items listed below should be sent to the IEICE Publishing Office within 3 months. On the other hand, in the case that the manuscript is submitted to a Special Issue (Special Section), those items should be sent to the prescribed address in accordance with the instructions given in the Call for Papers.
If the final manuscript is submitted later than the specific due date, it shall be regarded as being withdrawn by author(s) according to the IEICE editorial policies.

1. Hard copy of the final manuscript (one copy)
When the LaTeX style file supplied by the IEICE is used, the manuscript should be submitted on the resulting A4 size printout. When a style file cannot be used, the hard copy should be double-spaced. All superscripts, subscripts, Greek letters, italicized characters, etc., must be indicated in red so that they may easily be identified.

2. Electronic Data of the manuscript
This should contain all the electronic data of the final version of the manuscript. (see Section 3.2 for details).

3. Figures, photographs and tables (originals and one copy of each).
Figures, photographs and tables will generally not be returned, although an exception will be made for photographs if a special application is made.

4. Photographs(s) for author biography
Photographs of width 3cm, height 4cm with name on the back side of the photograph should be provided. In the case of submission of more than one manuscript, a separate photograph must be submitted for each. Photographs(s) for author biography are not necessary for a LETTER.

3.2 Submission of Electronic media data

When the final version of a manuscript is submitted, electronic data should also be submitted. A submitted electronic media data containing the final manuscript will not be returned. The information to be included in electronic data floppy disk and the MO disk depends on the style file used as shown below.

1. When LaTeX is used
Electronic media data containing the final manuscript generated according to the guidelines in Section 2.4. should be submitted. Electronic media, such as FD, MO, CD-R, etc., must be labeled with the following items:

  • Manuscript registration number
  • File name
  • LaTeX system name and version
  • Disk format
  • Type of computer

  • When the equations and/or figures are generated by separate software application, the following items must be recorded on the label.
  • Manuscript registration number
  • File name
  • The name of the software application generating the figures or equations
  • Disk format
  • Type of computer

  • 2. When other software is used
    Electronic media data containing the final manuscript generated according to the guidelines in Section 2.5. should be submitted. Electronic media, such as FD, MO, CD-R, etc., must be labeled with the following items:

  • Manuscript registration number
  • File name
  • Name and version of word processing software application
  • Disk format
  • Type of computer or word processor

  • 4 Galley Proofs

    In general, a submitted manuscript would be published in the IEICE Transactions three months after the receipt of the final manuscript. About 6-7 weeks prior to the publication, authors will be asked only once to proofread the galley proofs. In revising the manuscript, only misprints may be changed. Be aware that we do not accept any change in the authors' names including the order of the listed authors. Our editorial policy does not allow modification in title or authors' names except that authors have the justifiable reason.

    5. Page Charges

    5.1 Page charges

    All authors, including authors of invited papers, are requested to pay for the page charges to partially cover the cost of publication. Peer review of your manuscript is provided as a service. Authors are entitled to 100 reprints of their article. Detailed information on page charges is given in Appendix B. An invoice will be sent to the corresponding author as soon as the amount of the page charges is determined.

    5.2 Extra reprints

    Extra reprints may be ordered in units of 100 at the costs shown in the tables of Appendix B.
    For example, the cost for a total of 200 reprints (100 extra reprints) is in the 200 reprints column. They should be ordered when the galley proofs are returned.

    5.3 Discount of page charges

    For authors to whom the payment of page charges poses significant difficulty, contact the IEICE Publishing Office when submitting the manuscript.

    5.4 Overseas Membership Development Program (OMDP)

    As part of our effort to support IEICE Overseas Members residing in Asia(except Republic of Korea and Taiwan), Africa, Central America & South America, the Overseas Membership Development Program (OMDP) provides a discount on page charges. For details on eligibility for each Membership grade, please refer to our web site:
    If the first author of a manuscript meets the requirements of the OMDP, the page charges will be reduced by 60% at the authors request. Furthermore, in case that the first author is an Overseas Student Member, the page charges will be reduced by 80%. (For further information, please refer to the table of page charges of the OMDP ( Any authors who wish to apply for the discount should submit a written request to the OMDP.The discount will only be considered for manuscripts of which an electronic version of the final manuscript is submitted in the format specified by the IEICE LaTex style file provided by the IEICE. Failure to follow any of the above procedures will disqualify the applicant from receiving the discount, and full payment of the page charges will be requested.
    NOTE: Because of the recent rapid economic development of Republic of Korea and Taiwan, applications from members of these countries for the IEICE Overseas Membership Development Program(OMDP) are no longer accepted from April 2005. (The discount on page charges by OMDP is not provided to author(s) whose manuscript is submitted after April 1, 2005(JST).)

    6. Copyright

    The copyrights of all articles in the Transactions published by the IEICE are automatically transferred to the IEICE. However, the original authors retain the right to copy, translate or modify their own manuscripts.
    In cases when a manuscript is translated into another language or when any portion of the manuscript is to be submitted to another publication, authors should register the action with the IEICE, and the original manuscript should be clearly cited in the publications.

    (1) When transfer of the copyright of the manuscript to the IEICE is difficult for any of the following exceptional reasons, a report should be submitted at the time of initial submission to the IEICE Publishing Office for further discussion.

    (a) Author(s) do not desire to transfer the copyright of an article contributed as a special lecture at a conference.
    (b) Contents of an article jointly belong both to the author and to an organization to which the author belongs, and the organization will not permit copyright transfer of the manuscript. Manuscripts should be prepared upon understanding of the above rules.

    (2) When citations from other publications are made, the following should be noted.
    (a) Attention should be paid to the copyright of references to be cited.
    (b) When references to figures, tables, and photos in other books and journals are cited, obtain permission from authors and publishers holding their copyrights prior to their use.
    For the detail, refer to the IEICE Provisions on Copyright

    7. Review Process

    7.1 Review criteria

    There are three basic criteria upon which a review is based.

    1. Originality: Has/Have the author(s) contributed original work that has added new information or knowledge to previous work?
    2. Practicality: Are the results useful from an academic or industrial viewpoint?
    3. Reliability: Are the results reliable from the readers' point of view?

    7.2 Decision to accept for publication

    Based on the judgments of the reviewers, the Editorial Committee will make one of the following decisions regarding PAPERS and LETTERS.

    1. Acceptance:
    The decision is made if the manuscript meets the overall criteria described in Section 7.1,and is judged to be of interest to the readers of the IEICE Transactions. There are two cases. The first case is that the manuscript is accepted as it is. The second case is that the manuscript is accepted under the condition that the English of the manuscript should be improved according to the suggestions made by the Associate Editor. The IEICE could provide free services for correcting English grammar for authors who are with non-profit organizations, in which case the authors should contact the IEICE Publishing Office in advance

    2. Conditional acceptance:
    The decision is made if the manuscript in its present form does not meet the overall criteria described in Section 7.1, but is judged to be capable of meeting them with revision. The conditional acceptance is made only once, and a revised manuscript (described in below) that fails to satisfy the conditions will be rejected.

    * Revised manuscript submission
    A revised manuscript should be resubmitted within 60 days of the date of acknowledgement of Conditional Acceptance. If the 60 days limit is exceeded, and there are no extenuating circumstances, then the manuscript will be considered as a new submission. The time limit may be shortened for Special Issues(Special Sections). The author(s) must attach an accompanying letter to the Associate Editor indicating how they have revised the manuscript in accordance with the the Reviewer's and Associate Editor's comments.
    NOTE : In revising the manuscript, be aware of the following.
    * When the Authors make any additions or corrections, the section(s) should be marked so that the Reviewer can clearly identify the changes made.
    * Any changes in the authors' names including the order of the listed authors are not accepted after the initial submission.

    3. Rejection:
    The decision is made if the manuscript does not meet the overall criteria described in Section 7.1 and requires major revisions with excessive editing, or if the subject matter is not suitable for the scope of the IEICE Transactions.

    7.3 Resubmission

    For manuscripts receiving rejection notices or of manuscripts receiving conditional acceptance notices but withdrawn at authors' discretion, the revised version of the manuscript may be resubmitted. Upon resubmission, the previous manuscript's reference number must be provided on the cover sheet.

    7.4 Request for Reconsideration

    Authors who have received rejection notices may request reconsideration on the part of the Editorial Committee. This shall be done by clearly stating the specific reasons for the request by writing on a separate sheet under the title "Formal Complaint."

    (a) Written request shall be accepted for reconsideration. The deadline for submission is within 60 days of the date of the rejection notice. When requesting reconsideration, no amendments or additions to that manuscript shall be accepted.
    (b) The Editorial Committee shall carefully study the claims and if they should be recognized as being appropriate, the rejected manuscript shall be reconsidered.
    (c) The procedures for the reconsideration of the manuscript shall be in accordance with the normal review procedures.
    (d) Requests for reconsideration shall be limited to one request per manuscript.