Section: Bangkok Representative: Associate Professor Dr.Watit Benjapolakul (Chulalongkorn University)


In August 2013, the IEICE members in Korea-Electronics section were encouraged to submit papers to the special section in IEICE Transaction on Electronics on Recent Advances in Simulation Techniques and Their Applications for Electronics, at the request of Dr. Tsugumichi Shibata at NTT. There were many questions regarding the submission of papers to the IEICE Transaction. On the 24th of February in 2014, the IEICE Korea-Electronics section organized a special lecture at Kyungpook National University (KNU), Daegu, Korea. The special lecture was sponsored by IEICE and Professor Keiichiro Kagawa at Shizuoka University in Japan was invited to give a talk on “Next-generation multi-lens cameras and CMOS image sensors”. Many IEICE members in Korea-Electronics section who are interested in CMOS image sensors attended the special lecture since those are the key components in the electronics technology. At the end of the special lecture, Prof. Jang-Kyoo Shin from KNU introduced the IEICE and its Korea-Electronics section. Benefits of memberships and methods of paper submission to IEICE Transactions was explained in detail. It was a good opportunity to introduce IEICE to the students.

Professor Kagawa during the IEICE lecture on February 24, 2014

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Fig.1 Prof. Ishida’s lecture on intelligent sensing devices and systems at the seminar. Fig.2 Professors Seong-Ho Kong, Jee-Hyun Kim, and Young-Soo Sohn