IEICE Global Plaza - Monthly community plaza in English for students, faculties and engineers -

< Contents >
Useful Remarks
A New Globally Competitive Letter Journal
“IEICE Communications Express (ComEX)” is now online !
Hot Topics
Complete English Session BS-5 Successfully
Held at 2012 IEICE Society Conference
Call for Papers
2013 IEICE Information and Communication
Technology Forum (ICTF 2013)

Upcoming International Conferences

Message from TFIPP Secretariat

Useful Remarks

A New Globally Competitive Letter Journal “IEICE Communications Express (ComEX)”
is now online !

Nobuyoshi Kikuma, Prof., Dr.
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Graduate School of Engineering,
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Editor-in-Chief, ComEX,
IEICE Communications Society
 In the Transactions on Communications of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), a number of letters have been submitted and published. The main objective of authors who contribute to the letters is considered to rapidly publish their research results and to ensure their priority. In order to respond to their demands, IEICE Communications Society decided to launch a new online English letter journal, the IEICE Communications Express (ComEX) through discussion and assessment of its publication in relevant Committees. The first edition of ComEX was published on June 1, 2012. Accordingly, the Communications Society discontinues the letter category of the IEICE Transactions on Communications. That is why ComEX covers the entire field of communications as a unified letter journal of the Communications Society. Although ComEX cooperatively is based on the same scheme as the IEICE Electronics Express (ELEX) of Electronics Society, ComEX is independent of any other journals and makes its way to the globally competitive journal.

 ComEX has the following attractive features.
 (1) Papers are Digital Object Identifier (DOI) attached and accessible through the Internet from all over the world, so that every paper can be easily searched, browsed and downloaded.
 (2) Papers with multimedia files such as movie files can be published as well.
 (3) The page style is optimized for the purpose of being viewed on display.
 (4) Papers are promptly published in a short time after acceptance.

Publication Process
 ComEX publishes concise technical letters on outstanding inventions, innovation, and findings that have influential importance to communications engineers. Therefore, ComEX is a medium where researchers provide and share new topics, easily and in a timely manner. The early circulation of publication as well as article quality is deemed important for both contributors and readers. All manuscripts are evaluated to be either "accepted for publication" or "rejected." Authors of a manuscript that could be potentially accepted after minor revision are informed of the comments by the corresponding Associate Editor, and they are advised to consider re-submission.

Sophisticated Editorial Committee
 The members of ComEX Editorial Committee have eagerly discussed its framework and management policy for about two years before launching. We believe that the ComEX Editorial Committee is a Dream Team accumulating rich editing experience. Furthermore, we feel highly honored to have invited renowned and powerful advisory members from all over the world. It is true that all the members are worthy of brilliant launching of ComEX toward the greatest letter journal in the world. We do hope that ComEX will play an important role in publishing and propagating precious accomplishments in the field of communications in the near future.

How to Apply
 Manuscripts to ComEX can be submitted only via the ComEX Web site shown in Fig.1. Authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts by using one of the officially approved formats (LaTeX style file or Microsoft Word template), in which all the styles and formats are prescribed. Papers are not usually allowed to exceed six (6) pages of an A4-sized PDF file. The first page contains paper title, author list, affiliation(s), 100-word abstract, keywords, and references. The main body of the text is limited to approximately 1,500 words. Manuscripts are allowed to have up to three (3) display items (Figures and/or Tables) with brief captions in principle as long as the final PDF file size would not exceed 4 MB. Since ComEX manuscripts are rapidly published as submitted (or at least through the minimum editing /formatting process by the publisher), it is essential to adhere to the specified templates. Instructions to include movie files in a PDF file are described in the template files as shown in Fig.2. For further information, please visit the ComEX Web site at
 We, ComEX Editorial Committee members, would like to express our sincere thanks to all people who have supported us in order to start ComEX. Readers are strongly encouraged to submit their hot research results to ComEX!
(Contact the Secretariat at

ComEX available on the Web
Template files for letters published in ComEX
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Hot Topics

Complete English Session BS-5 Successfully
Held at 2012 IEICE Society Conference

Mariko Yamada, Dr.
Yokohama Research Laboratory,
Hitachi, Ltd., Session Organizer, BS-5,
IEICE Communications Society
 The 2012 IEICE Society Conference was held at the University of Toyama in Toyama City, on September 11-14, 2012, where three Societies of Engineering Sciences Society (ESS), Communications Society (CS) and Electronics Society (ES) joined. The number of registered participants reached more than 8,100 in total. 141 Symposium papers and 1,579 general papers were presented in parallel Sessions located at 33 venues.
 In the Conference, the IEICE Technical Committee on Information Communication Management (ICM) hosted the complete English Session entitled “Network and Service Design, Control and Management” as one of the eight Symposium Sessions focused on special topics of advanced technologies.
 ICM has managed this session since 2004, to promote the globalization of IEICE by providing the participants staying in Japan or joining from overseas with more opportunities to present papers and discuss completely in English.
 In recent years, more than 40 papers have been submitted and 46 papers were submitted this year. They were separated into 13 sub-sessions according to the topics and set up every day during the Society Conference. Various topics covering wireless networks, applications, sensor networks, QoS/QoE, optical networks, green ICT and others, were discussed in each session.
 Twenty to thirty participants attended at each sub-session. Every speaker and audience discussed and exchanged opinions each other after the presentation very actively and in details. Since the time assigned for questions passed quickly, presenters and audience continued their heated discussion here and there even into the break periods.
 Although most presenters were international students studying in Japan and foreign researchers working in Japanese industries and research institutions, the number of Japanese students and researchers has increased year by year. This year 12 papers were submitted by Japanese, which were twice as many as the last year.
 The presenters had various motivations. A Japanese presenter said, “This experience would be helpful in attending international conferences as well as disseminating my research results broadly to the world.” Another international presenter said, “My dissertation will be highly improved thanks to the invaluable comments on my research.”

English Session BS-5 in 2012 IEICE Society Conference
 ICM will select the best papers and award a prize of the session in the near future to encourage their continuous activities. The best papers will be awarded in the upcoming ICM workshop in March 2013, while ICM awarded the following papers presented in the 2011 IEICE Society Conference, later in March this year.
 (1) “GMPLS-Based Control Plane in Translucent Wavelength Switched Optical Networks,” Xin Wang, Tithra Chap, Sugang Xu, Yoshiaki Tanaka(Waseda Univ.)
 (2) “Uniqueness of Generated Secret Key Based on Quantization of the UWB Channel Impulse Response,” Holitiana M. Randrianandraina, Ryuji Kohno(Yokohama National Univ.)
 Your participation in the English Session by ICM will be welcomed next year as well!
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Call for Papers

2013 IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum (ICTF 2013)

 The ICTF 2013 organized by IEICE Europe Section (Section Representative: Dr. Haris Gacanin, Alcatel-Lucent Bell N.V., Belgium) will focus on the Future Communication Technologies and Applications and it will be held in Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina on May 29-31, 2013. The former conference “Sarajevo Technology Forum 2012 (STF 2012)” was successfully held by IEICE Europe Section on May 24-25, 2012 and extended to the ICTF 2013. The Forum topics of interest covers:
 ・ 4G and beyond wireless systems
 ・ Optical communications
 ・ Power line communication and smart grid
 ・ Image and signal processing
 ・ System and software design and optimization
 ・ Analog and mixed signal circuits
 ・ Opto and nano electronics, integrated circuits and devices
 All accepted papers will be published on the IEICE Digital Library (I-Scover) in the near future. The best papers will be recommended for publication in the special issue of IEICE Transactions on Communications. The important dates are:
 ・ Full paper due: December 10, 2012
 ・ Notification of acceptance: February 10, 2013
 ・ Final camera-ready manuscript due: March 3, 2013
For more details, see it at or contact the Publication Chair of ICTF2013, Prof. Mariusz G??bowski of Poznan University of Technology, Poland at
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Upcoming International Conferences
ICOIN2013- IEICE Communications Soc., in Bangkok, Thailand, on January 28-30, 2013,

Kaleidoscope2013- IEICE, ITU, Kyoto University, et al, in Kyoto, Japan, on April 22-24, 2013, kaleidoscope/2013/

EMTS2013- IEICE Electronics Soc., URSI Commission B, technical sponsorship by IEICE Communications Soc., in Hiroshima, Japan, on May 20-24, 2013,

ICTF2013- IEICE Europe Section, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on May 29-31, 2013,

CLEO Pacific Rim 2013- IEICE Communications Soc. and IEICE Electronics Soc., in Kyoto, Japan, on June 30-July 4, 2013,

OECC/PS2013- IEICE Communications Soc. and IEICE Electronics Soc., in Kyoto, Japan, on July 1-5, 2013,
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Message from TFIPP Secretariat
 This issue is delivered also by a free mail magazine “IEICE Global Plaza on Line” with updated news of interest for you. Please contact Prof.Takahashi, TFIPP (Task Force for International Policy and Planning) at, if you need. Back numbers are available in archives at
Editorial Committee of IEICE Global Plaza
Kenzo Takahashi
Yoshikazu Miyanaga
Fumio Futami
Toshiyuki Yakabe
Hiroyoshi Miyano
Shigeyoshi Iizuka
IEICE Engineering Sciences Soc.
IEICE Communications Soc.
IEICE Electronics Soc.
IEICE Information & Systems Soc.
IEICE Human Commun. Group

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