
Sendai International Center is located in Sendai City. Directions to the center and Sendai City can be obtained from the web sites shown below.

Directions to Sendai International Center

Directions to Sendai City

International Flight arriving at Sendai

(1) Your country -> Sendai:

There are direct flights available from Seoul, Guam, Beijing, Dalian, Shanghai, and Changchun.


Your country -> Tokyo -> Sendai:

There are many international flights arriving at New Tokyo International Airport (Narita).
However, there are only a few domestic flights available between Narita and Sendai.
Alternatively, you can take a JR train from Narita to Tokyo and then transfer to a train bound for Sendai. It will take 4 hours in total.


Your country -> Nagoya -> Sendai:

Nagoya is a big city located in the middle of Japan, so there are direct flights available from many cities, for example, Frankfurt, Detroit, New York, Honolulu, Saipan, Sydney, Bangkok, and Singapore.
Many domestic flights are available between Nagoya and Sendai.


Last Update: June 19, 2004