[IEICE-CS eNews<2014-56>] (〆切 11/15)IEEE WCNC 内 国際ワークショップ (IWSS, WDN-CN) の論文募集のご案内 November 7, 2014. ----------------------論文募集の案内------------------------- (our apologies if you receive this multiple times) 2015年3月に米国ニューオーリンズで開催されますIEEE WCNC2015内にて, 無線通信に関連する2つのワークショップを開催いたします. 投稿締切が11月15日に延長されましたので,ご連絡申し上げます. 貴重な成果のご投稿をお待ちしております. ----------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ----------------------- International Workshop on Smart Spectrum (IWSS) Smart Spectrum Utilization Based on Spectrum Measurement and Statistical Modeling Mar. 9, 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA (http://wcnc2015.smartspectrum.net/) --------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------------------- Paper submission: Nov. 15, 2014 (Extended) Notification of acceptance: Dec. 15, 2014 Camera ready papers: Jan. 10, 2015 ------------------------------------------- (Latest News) Keynote Speakers of IWSS 2015 are Determined. - Prof. Suman Banerjee, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Prof. Eylem Ekici, The Ohio State University --------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE: An essential feature of future wireless communications is efficient, flexible and dynamic spectrum utilization. A wireless network taking advantage of spectrum measurements is a new, promising approach among conventional dynamic spectrum access techniques capable of delivering such smart spectrum utilization. By analyzing real world spectrum utilization, it is possible to obtain information on the actual spectrum usage statistics which can be used to develop spectrum usage models that can enhance the performance of estimating and predicting the spectrum status, as well as improving spectrum resource management, sharing and allocation. IEEE WCNC 2015 International Workshop on Smart Spectrum (IWSS) aims to bring together researchers, industry practitioners as well as members of standardization bodies and government to meet and exchange ideas on recent research and future directions for smart spectrum utilization. The technical discussion will be focused on wireless network technology based on spectrum measurements, spectrum utilization modeling, and their applications for dynamic spectrum access. The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to: - Spectrum measurement techniques (wideband, long term, and wide area measurements) - Spectrum measurement campaigns and system prototyping - Sensor networks for spectrum measurement - Spectrum utilization database techniques - Multidimensional spectrum utilization models - Statistical modeling of radio environment - Radio propagation modeling for spectrum sharing - Cognitive radio networks and dynamic spectrum access - Spectrum sensing techniques based on statistical modeling - MAC layer access protocol design based on statistical modeling --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions for authors: ------------------------------------------- Authors are invited to submit full papers electronically through EDAS conference management system: http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=18651 ------------------------------------------- Details about the submission process including formatting information are available at the conference website: http://wcnc2015.ieee-wcnc.org/authors ------------------------------------------- All submitted papers are subject to peer reviews by the Technical Program Committee members. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop as full talks and possibly as poster presentations including a short introductory talk. All accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2015 as well as IEEE Xplore. --------------------------------------------------------------- Contact information: Website: http://wcnc2015.smartspectrum.net/ Email: contact[AT]smartspectrum.net (Please replace [AT] with @) ======================================================= Call For Paper (DEADLINE EXTENDED)   The 8th International WDN Workshop on Cooperative and Heterogeneous Cellular Networks (WDN-CN2015) held in conjunction with WCNC2015 [Technically cosponsored by IEICE-CS] *** Date and Location: 9 March, 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA http://www.icwdn.org/ ======================================================= TOPIC AREAS - Heterogeneous cellular networks (HetNet) - Cloud radio access networks (C-RAN) - Cloud services integration in HetNet - Energy efficiency vs. QoS tradeoffs in HetNet - Small cell clustering for services delivery - Resource allocation techniques for HetNet - Cell range expansion (CRE) and traffic off-loading - Enhanced inter-cell interference coordination techniques (eICIC) - Self-organizing networks (SON) and reinforcement learning - Phantom cell, soft cell, and multi-flow carrier aggregation - 3GPP, WiFi, and WiGig interworking - Open and closed access operation modes - Game theoretic techniques for future HetNet - Coordinated multi-point transmission (CoMP) techniques - Distributed antenna systems (DAS) - Limited feedback techniques for CoMP - Cell planing and antenna design for CoMP - Large scale CoMP for HetNet and dense small cells networks - Massive MIMO, active antenna systems and dynamic cell structuring - Enhanced channel models for CoMP - Backhaul (wired, wireless, millimeter wave, etc.) and networking - Cellular topology considering Remote Radio Head (RRH) - Cloud-based support for HetNet - Splitting of user- and control-planes for HetNet - Mobility management and handoffs for HetNet - Energy efficient algorithms and green wireless for HetNet - Network load balancing and smart information storage for C-RAN - Cognitive, cooperative, and reconfigurable networks - Analysis of future trends for HetNet - Low electromagnetic exposure in cellular networks - Regulation and standardization for cooperative HetNet - Storage and computation capability of small cells ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: General Co-Chairs Emilio Calvanese Strinati, CEA-LETI, France Kei Sakaguchi, Osaka University, Japan Thomas Haustein, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany IMPORTANT DATES: Full paper submission: 15 November 2014 (extended) Notification of acceptance: 15 December 2014 Final camera ready copy: 10 January 2015 Workshop: 9 March 2015 INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS: Authors are invited to submit full papers electronically through EDAS conference management system: http://edas.info/N18647 For more information about WDN-CN 2015 Please visit http://www.icwdn.org/ =========================================================================== ◇◆当メールについて---------------------------------------- ★このメールは送信専用のメールアドレスより配信されています.  このままご返信頂いてもお答えできませんので何卒ご了承下さい. ★登録内容の変更や配信停止につきましてはへご連絡下さい. ---------------------------END------------------------------