[IEICE-CS eNews<2009-13>] 論文誌目次(8月号) August 3, 2009.  ◆◆◆  ◆◆◆ 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜CS Email News〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ◆    ◆              2009年8月1日発行 ◆     ◆◆◆       発信元 IEICE 通信ソサイエティ ◆       ◆     http://www.ieice.org/cs  ◆◆◆ ◆◆◆ 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 --- ヘッドライン ----------------------------------------------------------- ◇◆和文論文誌B(Vol.J92-B, No.8)   http://search.ieice.org/bin/index.php?category=B&lang=J&curr=1 ◇◆英文論文誌B(Vol.E92-B, No.8)   http://search.ieice.org/bin/index.php?category=B&lang=E&curr=1 ◇◆特集号募集案内 ★和文論文誌B http://www.ieice.org/eventadm/ronbun.php?society=cs   ● 高度化するワイヤレスシステムを支えるアンテナ・伝搬技術特集号   ● システム開発・ソフトウェア開発論文特集号 ★英文論文誌B http://www.ieice.org/event/ronbun-e.php?society=cs   ● Special section on Information and Communication Technology for Wellness and Medical Applications   ● Special section on Technology and Architecture for Sustainable Growth of the Internet   ● Special section on Quality of Communication Networks and Services   ● Special section on Advanced Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology in Conjunction with Main Topics of EMC'09/Kyoto   ● Special section on Implementation, Experiments, and Practice for Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks   ● Special section on Advanced Technologies in Antennas and Propagation in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISAP2009 --- ヘッドライン・リンク集 ------------------------------------------------- ◇◆和文論文誌B(Vol.J92-B, No.8)   http://search.ieice.org/bin/index.php?category=B&lang=J&curr=1 ●〜刊行500号を迎えて〜 和文論文誌Bは優れた通信技術・研究を蓄える ●ファイル転送残量を考慮したP2Pネットワークにおけるファイル共有方式の性能評価 ●データ収集型無線センサネットワークに適した低遅延省電力マルチホップ通信 ●潜在的な派生関係を有する障害に対する故障分析手法 ●サブバンド分割を用いた低複雑性SLM法 ●MLSTBCシステムにおいてSegment LLLを利用したLattice-Reduction aided SIC検出 ●準二給電・反射板付き円偏波ループアンテナ ●円偏波用・低姿勢間げき付きループアンテナ―マイクロストリップコムライン励振共平面アレーへの応用― ●定常ジャーク偏差一定のノン駆動雑音追尾法 ●符号依存パルスピーク値比較による波長分散補償法 ●UWB-IRシステムに使用するアンテナのBER特性を用いた評価 ◇◆英文論文誌B(Vol.E92-B, No.8)   http://search.ieice.org/bin/index.php?category=B&lang=E&curr=1 ●Physical Layer Network Coding for Wireless Cooperative Multicast Flows ●Spectrum Sharing by Adaptive Transmit Power Control for Low Priority Systems and Achievable Capacity ●Robust Frequency Offset Estimation in the Presence of Time-Varying DC Offset ●Search Control Algorithm Based on Random Step Size Hill-Climbing Method for Adaptive PMD Compensation ●A File Fetching Method to Avoid Performance Deterioration on BitTorrent-Like P2P Networks ●Application-Level QoS and QoE Assessment of Audio-Video Transmission with TXOP-Bursting by IEEE 802.11e EDCA ●Hybrid Packet-Pheromone-Based Probabilistic Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ●Multiple Metrics Gateway Selection Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) and Infrastructure Network Integration ●Achieving Fairness over 802.11 Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks ●Proportional Fair Resource Allocation for Uplink OFDMA Network Using Priority-Ranked Bargaining Model ●Performance Enhancement of IEEE 802.11 WLAN with a Cognitive Radio Technique ●An Improved User Selection Algorithm in Multiuser MIMO Broadcast with Channel Prediction ●Joint Transceiver Optimization in MC-CDMA Systems ●Handover Control Method Using Resource Reservation in Mobile Multimedia Networks ●Performance Evaluation of MIMO-UWB Systems Using Measured Propagation Data and Proposal of Timing Control Scheme in LOS Environments ●Multiple Blind Beamforming Based on LSCMA ●ISAR Image Formation Based on Minimum Entropy Criterion and Fractional Fourier Transform ●A Switching Type-II Hybrid ARQ Scheme with RCPT Codes ●Two Bit Quantization for Turbo Decoder Extrinsic Information with Parameter Reset ●Bandwidth-Efficient Mutually Cooperative Relaying with Spatially Coordinate-Interleaved Orthogonal Design ●VLA-MAC: A Variable Load Adaptive MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks ●A Scheduling Algorithm for Minimizing Exclusive Window Durations in Time-Triggered Controller Area Network ●A Probabilistic Approach for the Determination of Sleep Interval in IEEE 802.16e ●Frequency-Domain Equalization with Iterative Block Noise-Prediction for Single-Carrier Systems ●Improving Performance of SC-UWB Systems with the Optimum SRAKE Based RAKE-DFE Receiver ●Impact of Carrier Frequency Offset on Received SNR in Dual-Hop OFDM Systems with a Fixed Relay ●Design of a Dual-Band Chip Antenna Using a Gap-Fed Branch ●Null Space Projection Based Adaptive Beamforming in the Presence of Array Imperfections ●Capacitance Extraction of Multiconductor Striplines with Finite Thickness ◇◆特集号募集案内 ★和文論文誌B http://www.ieice.org/eventadm/ronbun.php?society=cs   ● 高度化するワイヤレスシステムを支えるアンテナ・伝搬技術特集号   ● システム開発・ソフトウェア開発論文特集号 ★英文論文誌B http://www.ieice.org/event/ronbun-e.php?society=cs   ● Special section on Information and Communication Technology for Wellness and Medical Applications   ● Special section on Technology and Architecture for Sustainable Growth of the Internet   ● Special section on Quality of Communication Networks and Services   ● Special section on Advanced Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology in Conjunction with Main Topics of EMC'09/Kyoto   ● Special section on Implementation, Experiments, and Practice for Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks   ● Special section on Advanced Technologies in Antennas and Propagation in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISAP2009 ◇◆当メールについて---------------------------------------- ★このメールは送信専用のメールアドレスより配信されています.  このままご返信頂いてもお答えできませんので何卒ご了承下さい. ★登録内容の変更や配信停止につきましてはへご連絡下さい. ---------------------------END------------------------------