[IEICE-CS eNews<2008-13>] USN研チュートリアル「Signal Processing for Sensor Networks」開催案内 May 8, 2008 電子情報通信学会ユビキタス・センサネットワーク研究会主催 チュートリアルのご案内 日頃より当研究会の活動にご支援・ご協力を賜り誠に有難うございます. 当研究会が主催致しますチュートリアル講演のご案内をさせて頂きます. ふるってご参加下さいますようよろしくお願い致します. 詳しくは,下記メールとwebページをご参照下さい. ****************************************************************** http://u-netlab.jp/ja/node/189 演題:Signal Processing for Sensor Networks 講師:Jose M. F. Moura (Carnegie Mellon University) 日時:平成20年6月13日(金)13:00ー17:30 会場:慶應義塾大学矢上校舎厚生棟大会議室 申込み 聴講料:無料 定員:100名(申込締切日までの先着順) 申込締切日:平成20年6月8日 申込方法:こちら http://u-netlab.jp/ja/node/190 Abstract: We focus on distributed inference, like detection, estimation, or classification in sensor networks. Sensor networks usually have a large number of sensors that monitor continuously the state of a possibly large scale system and collect large amounts of data. The sensors are usually inexpensive and operate under limited power, communication, and computational resources. Issues of interest include distributed localization, resource allocation, distributed, and tradeoffs among resource parameters like bandwidth and power. Many of these problems employ a consensus algorithm, which is an iterative distributed algorithm. The lectures will study the consensus algorithm and conditions for its convergence under a wide broad set of network conditions ? deterministic or random networks, i.e., networks where communication links or channels may fail at random times, noiseless or noisy channels, analog or digital (quantized) communications. Contents: 1. Sensor networks: illustrative discussion of technologies, architectures, and applications 2. Problems of interest: a. Localization b. Distributed inference i. Distributed estimation ii. Distributed detection 3. Background on graphs and spectral graph concepts 4. Consensus algorithm a. Definition b. Convergence 5. Sensor network models 6. Network design 7. Distributed estimation algorithms 8. Distributed localization ****************************************************************** ◇◆当メールについて---------------------------------------- ★このメールは送信専用のメールアドレスより配信されています.  このままご返信頂いてもお答えできませんので何卒ご了承下さい. ★登録内容の変更や配信停止につきましてはへご連絡下さい. ---------------------------END------------------------------