【主 催】


【共 催】


情報処理学会・計測自動制御学会・電気設備学会 各中国支部

【日 時】


【会 場】


    (〒700-0005 岡山市北区理大町1-1)

【演 題】

『New Green Networking and Computing Approaches:

   Energy-oriented Infrastructures in

              a Carbon Constrained World』


【講 師】

イタリア ナポリ第2大学 Francesco Palmieri教授

【概 要】

 Energy consumption and the concomitant Green House Gas (GHG) emissions are becoming major issues in modern industrial society. In this scenario, current high performance network infrastructures (routers, switches, optical amplifiers, etc.) have reached huge bandwidth capacity but their development has also increased their energy consumption. Analogously, the increasing data volumes to be processed, stored and accessed every day in modern data centers result in an energy demand growing at faster pace. Thus, the need for energy-efficient network devices and energy aware routing protocols and control planes has emerged.

 Renewable energy sources (e.g. solar, wind, tide, etc.) are emerging as promising solution both to drastically reduce GHG emissions and to cope with the growing power requirements of these infrastructures, due to their lower energy costs.

 The main objective of this lecture is presenting the current challenges and research trends for eco-sustainable ICT infrastructures and the new energy-aware networking and computing models, protocols, architectures, techniques and paradigms that optimize the use of energy and reduce the GHG emissions for achieving a more sustainable society that will be a basis for growth and prosperity.




【演 題】

『On the Survivability of the Internet:

   How the Internet can Survive to Critical Events?』


【講 師】

イタリア サレルノ大学 Aniello Castiglione博士

【概 要】

 The Internet is today one of the most critical infrastructure for the modern, information‐based, e-Society. In addition, most of the critical infrastructure also rely on the Internet for communication purposes. Thus, the stability and survivability of the Internet are fundamental, especially in presence of catastrophic events which carry heavy societal and financial impacts. In this talk, it is analyzed the stability of the inter‐domain routing system during some large‐scale catastrophic events that affected the connectivity of massive parts of the IP address space, with the objective of acquiring information about degradation of service and recovery capabilities.

  As an example, have been analyzed the effects of the earthquake in Taiwan in December 2006, the earthquake in Japan in March 2011 and the blackout in US in September 2011. Those catastrophic events have been selected for this study because they are well documented, and usually there is a wealth of information related to their effects. After gathering the BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) statistics and preprocessing data, the number of routes and geolocalization of IP addresses that became unreachable have been studied. Such data show how catastrophic events impact on the reachability of network prefixes, the extent of damages to the Internet global connectivity, the geographical location of the most heavily struck addresses, and the time needed to recover.




【事前申込】 不要
【定 員】 75名

岡山理科大学 工学部 情報工学科

 上嶋 明,クラ エリス,片山 謙吾

 Tel: 086-256-9520(上嶋直通),Fax: 086-255-3611

 e-mail: uejima@ice.ous.ac.jp(上嶋)