【主 催】


【共 催】


照明学会中国支部・計測自動制御学会・電気設備学会 中国支部

【後 援】


【日 時】


【会 場】


  (〒755-8611 宇部市常盤台2-16-1)

【演 題】

『Emerging Trends and Challenges in

      Information and Cyber Security


【概 要】

 Availability, integrity and secrecy of information systems are increasingly important requirements for modern society as well as nations as with every passing day computers control and administer more and more aspects of human life. We entrust much of our lives to information and computer technologies (ICT's). However, it is difficult and challenging task to understand security risk and to provide effective security solution as attackers only need to find a single vulnerability but developers or system administrators need to find and fix all vulnerabilities. In addition, cyber space is considered as fifth battle-field after land, air, water and space.

 Hence, awareness about the various tools and techniques for securing the information has become critical. Keeping in view of exponentially increasing cyber crime and fraudulent online activities by swindler, this talk will delve into the various cyber fraud and the probable solutions thereof. In addition, it will provide relevant theoretical frameworks and latest empirical research findings in the area.





【講 師】

インド国立クルクシェトラ工科大学 Brij B. Gupta 博士

【定 員】




【事前申込】 不要


山口大学大学院理工学研究科 准教授 山口真悟

Tel: (0836)85-9510  Fax: (0836)85-9501

E-mail : shingo@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp