


      ◇ ◇ 電子情報通信学会 第二種研究会開催案内 ◇ ◇      



   1998 Korea-Japan AP/EMC/EMT Joint Conference  (KJJC-AP/EMC/EMT'98)

子工学会マイクロ波・アンテナ・伝搬ソサイエティ(Society of Microwaves, Antennas,
and Propagation, Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea),韓国電磁工学ソサ
イエティ(Korea Electromagnetic Engineering Society)と共催で,「1998年アンテナ・
伝搬,環境電磁工学,電磁界理論に関する日韓合同会議(1998 Korea-Japan AP/EMC/EMT
Joint Conference; KJJC-AP/EMC/EMT'98)」を第二種研究会として,平成10年9月3日
二種研究会「1996年電磁界理論と環境電磁工学に関する日韓合同会議(1996 Korea-Japan
Joint Conference on Electromagnetic Theory and Compatibility; KJJC-EMTC)」を平


電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ アンテナ・伝播研究専門委員会
電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ 環境電磁工学研究専門委員会
電子情報通信学会 エレクトロニクスソサイエティ 電磁界理論研究専門委員会
Society of Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation, Institute of Electronics
  Engineers of Korea (IEEK)
Korea Electromagnetic Engineering Society (KEES)


 Jung-Woong Ra, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

   Hyuck-Jae Lee, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
   Takayasu Shiokawa, Tohoku University
   Masahiro Hashimoto, Osaka Electro-Communication University
   Shuichi Nitta, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology
   Seung-In Yang, Soongsil University

   Dong Il Kim, Korea Maritime University
   Akira Sugiura, Communications Research Laboratory
   Fujio Amemiya, NTT Multimedia Networks Laboratories
   Deock-Ho Ha, Pukyong National University
   Ki-Chai Kim, Yeungnam University
   Kazuya Kobayashi, Chuo University
   Taek-Kyung Lee, Hankuk Aviation University
   Kunio Sawaya, Tohoku University

   Hiroyoshi Ikuno, Kumamoto University
   Dong-Chul Park, Chungnam University
   Makoto Ando, Tokyo Institute of Technology
   Takashi Harada, Resources and Environment Protection Research Laboratories,
                   NEC Corporation
   Se-Yun Kim, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
   Noh-Hoon Myung, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
   Sang-Wook Nam, Seoul National University
   Wee-Sang Park, Pohang Institute of Technology
   Mitsuo Taguchi, Nagasaki University
   Yoshio Yamaguchi, Niigata University
   Young-Joong Yoon, Yonsei University

日 時  9月3日(木)  9:00-18:00
     9月4日(金)  9:00-20:30
     9月5日(土)  9:00-12:15
会 場   パラダイスビーチホテル(韓国釜山市・海雲台)
     Paradise Beach Hotel, 1408-5 Joong-dong, Haeundae-ku, Pusan, Korea
      (Tel: +82-51-742-2121,  Fax: +82-51-742-2100)

参加登録費   120USドル.参加登録費(Registration Fee)にはProceedings1部の代
 則としてクレジットカード(VISA, MasterCard)による前払いとします.特別の事情に

参加申込  発表論文著者の方,及び発表論文著者以外で既に参加ご希望を頂いている
 グラムを送付しましたので,プログラムに綴じ込まれているRegistration Formに必要
 なお,このメールに添付のRegistration Formをご利用頂いても結構です.また,会議
 付のRegistration Formに必要事項を英文でご記入のうえ,下記送付先に8月7日

宿泊申込  KJJC-AP/EMC/EMT'98実行委員会では,会議の会場となっているパラダイス
 ビーチホテルについて宿泊予約を受け付けます.このホテルはSuper Deluxeクラスで
  山側:ダブル・ツイン共に一泊 96,800ウォン
 送付しましたので,プログラムに綴じ込まれているHotel Reservation Formに必要事
 お,このメールに添付のHotel Reservation Formをご利用頂いても結構です.また,
 は,添付のHotel Reservation Formに必要事項を英文でご記入のうえ,下記送付先に
  Hotel Seoul Oncheon
  1398-44 Joong-dong, Haeundae-ku, Pusan, Korea
  Tel: +82-51-746-0478,  Fax: +82-51-731-0025

ホテル・会議会場への交通手段  会議会場となっているパラダイスビーチホテルは,
 釜山市内の海雲台ビーチ(Haeundae Beach)中心部にあります.金海国際空港(Kimhae
 International Airport)からタクシー(Deluxe (Mobum) taxi)をご利用の場合,空港

 〒112-8551 東京都文京区春日1−13−27
 中央大学理工学部電気・電子工学科 小林一哉
  Tel: 03-3817-1869, Fax: 03-3817-1847
 E-mail: kazuya@kazuya.elect.chuo-u.ac.jp


                               REGISTRATION FORM                               

Registration Deadline: August 7, 1998

Please send this form to:
  Professor Kazuya Kobayashi
  Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  Chuo University
  1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan
  Tel: +81-3-3817-1869,   Fax: +81-3-3817-1847
  E-mail: kazuya@kazuya.elect.chuo-u.ac.jp


□ Prof.  □ Dr.  □ Mr.  □ Ms.

Name: ____________________________________ ____________________________________
                    (First)                              (Family)              

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________

Tel: _________________________________   Fax: _________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________

Conference Registration Fee: 120 US dollars

Method of Payment: □ VISA  □ MasterCard  (Please check one)

Credit Card Number: ___________________________________________________________

Expiration Date: ______________________________________________________________

Name of Cardholder: ___________________________________________________________

Authorized Signature: _________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________

Note: (1) The name on the credit card must match exactly the name on the top of
          this form.
      (2) If for any reason, credit card payment is not possible, please


                            HOTEL RESERVATION FORM                            

Reservation Deadline: August 7, 1998

Please send this form to:
  Professor Kazuya Kobayashi
  Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  Chuo University
  1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan
  Tel: +81-3-3817-1869,   Fax: +81-3-3817-1847
  E-mail: kazuya@kazuya.elect.chuo-u.ac.jp


□ Prof.  □ Dr.  □ Mr.  □ Ms.

Name: ____________________________________ ____________________________________
                    (First)                              (Family)              

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________

Tel: _________________________________   Fax: _________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________

Arrival Date: _______________________   Departure Date: _______________________

Paradise Beach Hotel (Please check in appropriate boxes)

 □ Beach Side   (121,000 Won/night): □ Double  □ Twin
 □ Mountain Side (96,800 Won/night): □ Double  □ Twin
 □ Special Rate* (72,600 Won/night): Single
 * Only 10 rooms are available.

Hotel Seoul Oncheon
  Please reserve a room individually by fax to the hotel at +82-51-731-0025.


                              プ  ロ  グ  ラ  ム

***************************** 9月3日(木) 午前 *****************************

・Registration (9:00-9:30)

                                [ A 会 場 ]                              

・Opening Ceremony (9:30-9:50)

・特別セッションAP (9:50-10:20) 座長:Jung-Woong Ra
  A Deployable Antenna of 10m Maximum Diameter aboard Halca Satellite for
  Space VLBI(招待論文)
  Tadashi Takano*, Michihiro Natori*, Kazuo Miyoshi**, Tatsuhiro Noguchi**,
  Hideo Yanai***, and Noriyuki Kawaguchi****
  *Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, **Mitsubishi Electric
  Corporation, ***Japan Aircraft Mfg. Co., ****National Astronomical
  Observatory, Japan

・セッションAP-1 (10:20-12:00)  座長:Jeong-Hae Lee, Yoshio Yamaguchi
1. Deployable Phased Array Antennas for Inclined GEO Satellite Communication
   Isamu Chiba, Shuji Urasaki, Yoshihiko Konishi, Rumiko Yonezawa, Akio Iso,
   and Takashi Katagi
   Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan 
2. Millimeter Wave Reflectometer Applied to RF Wave Diagnostic in Plasmas
   Jeong-Hae Lee
   Hongik University, Korea
3. Mutual Coupling Compensation of Microstrip Traveling-wave Comb Line Array
   Antenna at 24 GHz
   Sung Tae Choi and Yong Hoon Kim
   Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
4. On The Estimation of Building Collapse Using a Polarimetric FM-CW Radar
   Yoshio Yamaguchi*, Masafumi Nakamura*, Hiroyuki Hosaka*, Takanori Hara*,
   Hiroysohi Yamada*, Kenji Mitani**, and Masakazu Kobayashi**
   *Niigata University, **Japan Resources Observation System Organization,

                                [ B 会 場 ]                              

・セッションEMT-1 (10:20-12:00) 座長:Noh-Hoon Myung, Yasumitsu Miyazaki
1. TM Scattering by a Slot in a Perfectly Conducting Plane Separating Two
   Different Media
   W. J. Byun and N. H. Myung
   Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
2. Polarization Conversion by a Metallic Fourier Grating in Conical Diffraction
   Makoto Ohki*, Haruo Sakurai**, Kuniyuki Motojima*, and Shogo Kozaki*
   *Gunma University, **Gunma College of Technology, Japan
3. Electromagnetic Scattering by a Periodic Strip Grating on a Grounded
   Dielectric Slab: TM Polarization Case
   U. H. Cho, J. I. Lee, C. H. Lee, and Y. K. Cho
   Kyungpook National University, Korea
4. Statistical Characteristics of Optical Wave Propagation in Oversize
   Multimode Plastic Fibers with Random Imperfections
   Yasumitsu Miyazaki
   Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

***************************** 9月3日(木) 午後 *****************************

                                [ A 会 場 ]                              

・セッションAP-2 (14:00-16:05) 座長:Deock-Ho Ha, Hiroyuki Arai
1. A Study on the Optimum Polarization Diversity Considering XPD in Indoor
   Radio Environments
   Byung-Ok Kim*, Ju-Hyon Lee*, Deock-Ho Ha*, and Fumio Ikegami**
   *Pukyong National University, Korea, **Kyoto University, Japan
2. Antenna Characteristics Measurement Using Dry Phantom Model for Mobile
   Satellite Communication Handset
   Masanori Yawata*, Hiroyuki Arai*, Hideo Mitsumoto**, Toshiaki Sato**, and
   Shigetoshi Yoshimoto**
   *Yokohama National University, **Advanced Space Communications Research
   Laboratory, Japan
3. Comparison of Measurement and Estimation of Microwave Path Loss Around
   Yisok Oh and Yeon-Geon Koo
   Hong-Ik University, Korea
4. On Accuracy of Field Evaluation in Tunnels by Ray Tracing Method
   Kazunori Uchida*, Chang-Kwon Lee*, Toshiaki Matsunaga*, Tetsuro Imai**, and
   Teruya Fujii**
   *Fukuoka Institute of Technology, **NTT Mobile Communications Network Inc.,
5. Center-Fed Slotted Waveguide Linear Array Antenna
   Kunio Sakakibara, Toshiaki Watanabe, Kazuo Sato, and Kunitoshi Nishikawa
   Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc., Japan

・コーヒーブレーク (16:05-16:20)

・セッションAP-3 (16:20-18:00) 座長:Ki-Chai Kim, Naoki Inagaki
1. Hallen Type Integral Equation Analysis of a Cylindrical Antenna with Finite
   Gap Excitation
   Di Wu, Naoki Inagaki, and Nobuyoshi Kikuma
   Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
2. Application of Improved Circuit Theory to Corner Reflector Antenna Analysis
   Ippo Aoki, Naoki Inagaki, and Nobuyoshi Kikuma
   Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
3. Electromagnetic Wave Scattering and Diffraction from Arbitrarily Shaped
   Tae Yong Kim*, Yukio Kagawa*, and Takahumi Hoashi**
   *Okayama University, **Kumamoto Institute of Technology, Japan
4. High-resolution Delay-profile Estimation Using a MODE Method
   Naoto Itaba, Hiroyoshi Yamada, and Yoshio Yamaguchi
   Niigata University, Japan

                                [ B 会 場 ]                              

・セッションEMT-2 (14:00-16:05) 座長:Taek-Kyung Lee, Takashi Hinata
1. Characterization of the Coplanar Waveguide Discontinuities in Space Domain
   Using Closed-Form Green's Function
   Yeon-Duk Kang and Taek-Kyung Lee
   Hankuk Aviation University, Korea
2. Numerical Study on Resonance of an Open-Ended Rectangular Cylinder
   Shinichiro Ohnuki and Takashi Hinata
   Nihon University, Japan
3. New Acceleration Techniques for the Analysis of Gap Discontinuities
   Seong-Ook Park* and Constantine A. Balanis**
   *Information and Communication University, Korea, **Arizona State
   University, USA
4. Simple and Accurate Closed-Form Spatial Green's Functions for the Thick
   Microstrip Substrate
   Young Soon Lee, Eui Joong Kim, and Byung Chul Kim
   Kum-Oh National University of Technology, Korea
5. Rapid Calculation of the Green's Function for the Analysis of Periodic
   Frequency Selective Surfaces with Planar Multilayered Structures
   Myun-Joo Park and Sangwook Nam
   Seoul National University, Korea

・コーヒーブレーク (16:05-16:20)

・セッションEMT-3 (16:20-18:00) 座長:Y. K. Cho, Makoto Ando
1. Characteristics of the Focusing Effect by the Luneberg Lens
   Haruo Sakurai*, Makoto Ohki**, Kuniyuki Motojima**, and Shogo Kozaki**
   *Gunma College of Technology, **Gunma University, Japan
2. Improvement on Computational Efficiency of Aperture Field Integration Method
   for Polyhedron Reflector Antenna
   Suomin Cui and Makoto Ando
   Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
3. Application of the 3D Transfer Analysis Based on the Vector-FEM Formulation
   to Design of a Novel Waveguide-Filter
   Tomohiro Mizuno, Mikio Tsuji, and Hiroshi Shigesawa
   Doshisha University, Japan
4. A Radial Line Slot Antenna Fed by a Ring Slot Coupled Planar Circuit
   Yuji Kigure, Akira Akiyama, Jiro Hirokawa, and Makoto Ando
   Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

***************************** 9月4日(金) 午前 *****************************

                                [ A 会 場 ]                              

・特別セッションEMC (9:00-9:30) 座長:Dong-Chul Park
  A Study on the Causes of Non-reproducibility in EMI Measurement(招待論文)
  Shuichi Nitta
  Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan

・セッションEMT-4 (9:30-10:20) 座長:Hyeong Dong Kim, Kazunori Uchida
1. Wavelet Analysis of Scattering Responses from a Dielectric Cylinder
   Masahiko Nishimoto, Satoru Ogura, and Hiroyoshi Ikuno
   Kumamoto University, Japan
2. Efficient Algorithm to Truncate the FDTD mesh for Waveguide Structures
   Kyung-Young Jung*, Hyung Hoon Kim**, and Hyeong Dong Kim***
   *Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd., **Kwangju Women's University,
   ***Hanyang University, Korea

・コーヒーブレーク (10:20-10:35)

・セッションEMT-5 (10:35-12:15) 座長:Hyeong Dong Kim, Kazunori Uchida
1. Optical Control of a DC-Biased Interdigital Gap on the Semiconductor
   Microstip Line with Photo-Induced Semiconductor Plasma
   Yasushi Horii* and Makoto Tsutsumi**
   *Kansai University, **Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
2. Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Radome by Using the Fast Multipole Method
   Chang Hyun Park and Cheon Seok Park
   Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
3. Numerical Analysis of Fundamental Characteristics of Photonic Crystal
   Optical Waveguides
   Yoshihiro Naka*, Hiroyoshi Ikuno*, and Akira Yata**
   *Kumamoto University, **Kumamoto University College of Medical Science,
4. FVTD Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from Random or Periodic
   Kwang-Yeol Yoon*, Mitsuo Tateiba*, and Kazunori Uchida**
   *Kyushu University, **Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan

                                [ B 会 場 ]                              

・セッションEMC-1 (9:30-10:20) 座長:Yeon-Choon Chung, Shuichi Nitta
1. Site Attenuation Characteristics of Fully Anechoic Chamber Using Foamed
   Ferrite as New Absorbing Material
   Masamitsu Tokuda*, Kazuo Simada**, and Hiroshi Ishii**
   *Kyushu Institute of Technology, **Riken Electech Corporation, Japan
2. Site Attenuation Characteristics of Semi Anechoic Chamber Using Foamed
   Ferrite as New Absorbing Material
   Kazuo Shimada*, Hiroyoshi Ishii*, and Masamitsu Tokuda**
   *Riken Electech Corporation, **Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan

・コーヒーブレーク (10:20-10:35)

・セッションEMC-2 (10:35-12:15) 座長:Yeon-Choon Chung, Shuichi Nitta
1. Production Methods and Characterisitics of Foamed Ferrite as New Absorbing
   Material of Anechoic Chamber
   Toshikastu Hayashi*, Sigeo Inoue*, Yukio Nakanouchi*, Kazuo Simada**,
   Hiroyosi Ishii**, and Masamitsu Tokuda***
   *Riken Corporation, **Rikenelectech Corporation, ***Kyushu Institute of
   Technology, Japan
2. Experimental Analysis on ELF Magnetic Field Attenuation of Shielded
   Yeon-Choon Chung*, Byung-Chil Woo*, Min-Su Choi*, Jong-Hwa Kwon**, and
   Dong-Chul Park**
   *Korea Research Institute of Standards and Sciences, **Chungnam National
   University, Korea
3. Shielding Effect of Porous Carbon Material "WOOD CERAMICS"
   Yukio Hotta*, Mitsuharu Sato*, Hitoshi Togawa*, and Shuichi Nitta**
   *Tokin Corporation, **Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
4. Alterations of Semi-Anechoic Chamber to Realize the Free Space Condition
   Yoshinobu Hayashi, Takashi Shinozuka, and Risaburo Sato
   Electromagnetic Compatibility Research Laboratories Co., Ltd., Japan

***************************** 9月4日(金) 午後 *****************************

                                [ A 会 場 ]                              

・セッションEMT-6 (14:00-16:05) 座長:Se-Yun Kim, Masahiro Hashimoto
1. High Frequency Analysis of Plane Wave Scattering by Finite Parallel Plate
   Waveguide Cavities
   Hiroshi Shirai*, Ken'ichiro Watanabe*, Naoya Hasegawa**, and
   Hidenori Sekiguchi*
   *Chuo University, **Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Japan
2. E-Polarized Diffraction Coefficients Valid in Dielectric Part of a Composite
   Se-Yun Kim
   Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
3. Current Distribution Corrections for Uniform High-Frequency Diffraction in
   Terms of Bicomplex Electromagnetic Fields
   Masahiro Hashimoto
   Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan
4. Analysis of the Field Pattern around the Perfectly Conducting 3D-Box Using
   the UTD
   Hakjoon Kim*, Sangseol Lee*, and Daeseok Chang**
   *Hanyang University, **Kunsan National University, Korea
5. Analytical Derivation of PO Diffraction Coefficients Based on Field
   Equivalence Principle
   Ken-ichi Sakina, Suomin Cui, Andrey Andrenko, and Makoto Ando
   Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

・コーヒーブレーク (16:05-16:20)

・セッションAP-4 (16:20-18:50) 座長:Wee Sang Park, Kiyohiko Itoh
1. A Study on Characteristics of a Dual Polarization Microstrip Antenna Fed by
   Proximity Coupled Quarter Wavelength Stub
   Kyeong-Sik Min*, Se-Hyun Park*, Dong-Chul Kim*, and Hiroyuki Arai**
   *Korea Maritime University, Korea, **Yokohama National University, Japan
2. Analysis of Field Distribution of Stacked Microstrip Antenna with High Gain
   Using FDTD Method
   Eisuke Nishiyama*, Shigeru Egashira**, and Masayoshi Aikawa*
   *Saga University, **Kumamoto Institute of Technology, Japan
3. Analysis and Network Modeling of an Inclined Aperture-Coupled Microstrip
   Jeong Phill Kim* and Wee Sang Park**
   *LG Precision Co., Ltd., **Pohang University of Science and Technology,
4. An Improvement of Input Characteristics in a Slot-Coupled Patch Antenna
   Using a Parasitic Strip
   Manabu Yamamoto and Kiyohiko Itoh
   Hokkaido University, Japan
5. Analysis of Elliptical Microstrip Patch Antenna
   Chulhun Seo and Hooin Jung
   Soongsil University, Korea
6. A Method of Radiation Pattern Enhancement for 6-Sector Antenna Using
   Proximity Coupled Taper Slot
   Kohei Mori*, Hiroyuki Arai*, and Yoshio Ebine**
   *Yokohama National University, **NTT Mobile Communication Network Inc.,

                                [ B 会 場 ]                              

・セッションEMC-3 (14:00-16:05) 座長:J. S. Kim, Fujio Amemiya
1. Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristics of Concrete Buildings in Mobile
   Radio Wave Propagation Channel
   Yasumitsu Miyazaki and Paul Selormey
   Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
2. Shielding Performance Evaluation of Two Image Planes Configuration
   J. S. Kim*, H. J. Lee*, and N. Kim**
   *Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, **Chungbuk
   University, Korea
3. Effects of Ferrite Sheet Attached to Porable Telephone on Spatial Peak SAR
   Jianqing Wang and Osamu Fujiwara
   Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
4. Calculation of Higher-Order Mode Cutoff Frequencies in 50 Ohm Asymmetric TEM
   Cells by Galerkin Method
   J. H. Yun*, K. Y. Cho*, H. J. Lee*, and J. K. Kim**
   *Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, **Chungang
   University, Korea
5. Method for Finding Several Radiated Emission Sources Using CISPR Measurement
   Yasuhiro Ishida*, Kazuo Murakawa**, Kouji Yamashita***, and
   Masamitsu Tokuda***
   *Fukuoka Industrial Technology Center, **NTT Co., Ltd., ***Kyushu Institute
   of Technology, Japan

・コーヒーブレーク (16:05-16:20)

・セッションEMC-4 (16:20-18:50) 座長:Y.-M. Kim, Akira Sugiura
1. Long-Term Test Results of Electromagnetic Interference from a 765 KV Test
   Hee-Sung Ahn*, Sung-Ho Myoung*, Kwang-Ho Yang*, Jeong-Boo Kim**,
   Dong-Il Lee**, and Koo-Yong Shin**
   *Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, **Korea Electric Power Research
   Institute, Korea
2. A Proposal of Noise Filter Using Motor-Generator 
   Kenji Konishi, Shuichi Nitta, and Atsuo Mutoh
   Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
3. Electric and Magnetic Field Effects of Power Line Frequency to Mice Embryos
   and Fetuses
   Y.-M. Kim*,  Y.-I. Kwon*, S.-B. Lee*, J.-H. Kim**, B.-S. Kim**, and
   Y.-W. Kim***
   *Dankook University, **Hyosung Middle School, ***Hallym University, Korea
4. Responses of Spectrum Analyzers to Pulsive and Gaussian Noise Inputs
   Yukio Yamanaka and Akira Sugiura
   Communications Research Laboratory, Japan
5. An Implementation of Wideband High Power Amplifier with Mismatching
   Protection Circuit
   Keun-kwan Ryu*, Kwang-yoon Cho**, and Ui-seok Hong*
   *Kwangwoon University, **Electronics and Telecommunications Research
   Institute, Korea
6. Evaluation of Uncertainty for Site Attenuation Measurements
   Akira Sugiura, Kunimasa Koike, Akira Ohtani, and Hiroshi Masuzawa
   Communications Research Laboratory, Japan

懇親会 (19:10-20:30)

***************************** 9月5日(土) 午前 *****************************

                                [ A 会 場 ]                              

・特別セッションEMT (9:00-9:30) 座長:Hyuck-Jae Lee
  Backscattering Cross Section of a Medium Containing Many Dielectric Particles
  Mitsuo Tateiba and Tsuyoshi Matsuoka
  Kyushu University, Japan

・セッションEMT-7 (9:30-10:45) 座長:Jeong Hwan Kim, Kazuya Kobayashi
1. Underground Tomogram Constructed from In-Situ Cross-Borehole Measurements
   Jung-Woong Ra, Hong-Ki Choi, and Seong-Kil Park
   Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
2. Spectrum Analysis of Multiple Reflected Pulses from Inhomogeneous Ionized
   Kuniyuki Motojima*, Makoto Ohki*, Haruo Sakurai**, and Shogo Kozaki*
   *Gunma University, **Gunma College of Technology, Japan
3. Single-Frequency Incoherent Tomography for Conducting Cylinder in Lossy
   Jin Seob Kang, Jeong Il Park, and Jeong Hwan Kim
   Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea

・コーヒーブレーク (10:45-11:00)

・セッションEMT-8 (11:00-11:50) 座長:Jeong Hwan Kim, Kazuya Kobayashi
1. Plane Wave Diffraction by a Strip with Different Surface Impedances:
   Part I - The Case of E Polarization
   Teruhisa Tsushima*, Kazuya Kobayashi*, Eldar I. Veliev**, and
   Shoichi Koshikawa***
   *Chuo University, Japan, **Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics,
   Ukraine, ***Antenna Giken Co., Ltd., Japan
2. Plane Wave Diffraction by a Strip with Different Surface Impedances:
   Part II -  The Case of H Polarization
   Teruhisa Tsushima*, Kazuya Kobayashi*, Eldar I. Veliev**, and
   Shoichi Koshikawa***
   *Chuo University, Japan, **Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics,
   Ukraine, ***Antenna Giken Co., Ltd., Japan

                                [ B 会 場 ]                              

・セッションAP-5 (9:30-10:45) 座長:Young Joong Yoon, Mitsuo Taguchi
1. Beam Tilting Antenna Elements with Forced Resonance by Reactance Loading
   Ki-Chai Kim and Ick Seung Kwon
   Yeungnam University, Korea
2. A Small Spiral Ring Antenna
   Hideyuki Nebiya*, Nozomu Hasebe*, and Satoshi Nagasawa**
   *Nihon University, **Futaba Corporation, Japan
3. A Study on Suppression of Back-lobe from Base Station Antennas for Mobile
   Kyeong-Sik Min, Jeong-Nam Lim, Dong Il Kim, and Se-Mo Chung
   Korea Maritime University, Korea

・コーヒーブレーク (10:45-11:00)

・セッションAP-6 (11:00-12:15) 座長:Young Joong Yoon, Mitsuo Taguchi
1. A Study of a Planar Active Phased Array Antenna using Two-Dimensionally
   Coupled Slotlines
   Jun Mo Kim, Tae Yune Lee, and Young Joong Yoon
   Yonsei University, Korea
2. 2 Element Phased Array Active Loop Antenna for Television Receiver
   Mitsuo Taguchi*, Masahiko Hori**, and Takafumi Fujimoto*
   *Nagasaki University, **Nagasaki Ryoden Technica, Co., Japan
3. Classification of Subsurface Cracks with Polarimetric Borehole Radar
   Motoyuki Sato
   Tohoku University, Japan



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